Today's Daily Word - Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Acting from the joy in my heart, I accomplish great things.
The joy of the Lord is my strength, and I know that no matter what awaits me, I will face it with confidence and enthusiasm.
My joy is a deep, abiding awareness of God’s love. Although laughter and happiness can be dependent on cir****tances, events, and people, my joy in God is within me and can never be taken away from me. Such gladness sustains me and enables me to reach out to others with love.
Acting from the joy in my heart, I accomplish great things. I am finding the answers to life’s questions, and I am becoming the person I am destined to become. My joy is a direct link to the love of God for me and within me. I greet this and every day with joy, giving thanks for the love of God that fills my heart now and always.
“Though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy.”—1 Peter 1:8
I hope you all have a joyful day!