I'm sure there are many of you that browse the main forum, as I do. I always keep my eyes open for members who have lost the amount of weight I need to lose so I can see how much they have changed in the process.
How come some people, once they get thin, delete their "before" pictures? I wanna see! I wanna see!
I'm not proud to be obese either but I will be proud of the success with WLS that I will achieve and want to share it with others.
I know it's a personal decision, and I respect that. I do. It must be hard to see yourself that way once you're thin again, I'm sure. But I will never want to forget from where I came.
Just a thought...
Have a great weekend all.
Hi Mare,
I agree with you 100% I want to always remember.
I like to say I have walked through the valley of death.
If I ever get my book published that is the title I want.
BTW please pm me your numbers again and yes I got your message on my cell sorry to miss your call.
Hope you have been training hubby on how to post updates on you after surgery.
Like Darcie, I won't take down my fat photos. For one thing, they are very much a part of who I am. While I have to admit that sometimes it's painful to see where I have been, it's also a reminder of just how far I have come and that I don't want to go back ... Not just because I look better now ... at least according my son ;-) ... but I feel so much better now.
Be sure to take plenty of photos now and throughout your journey. It will really help you and those that follow.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I agree with you. I love to see the changes in people which are a similar size and age as I. My highest weight is posted on my blog.
My husband still does not know what my highest weight was. Maybe someday I will tell him. Right now ya'll are the only ones who knows my dark secret. I will keep it on my profile to help others. I hope I can show others a success and something for them to shoot for also.
I agree with you! 5 years later and I still carry before pictures with me in my dayrunner. I forget they're in there then I'll open to the inside of my front cover and there they are staring me right in the eyes!!! It seems to happen every time I need a little "reminder"...

08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
WEll I guess if I were to answer honestly
I would probably keep my pictures up on this site to help others that are
hoping to have the surgery and to be an inspiration to them by seeing my
before and afters...Let me tell you, before i made my decision, i sat in this chair
looking at all of the before and afters on OH and was in tears, I was so mesmerized
at how amazing the transformations were and that's when i said to myself, "what the heck am I waiting for?" I want to be like them!!! And look at me now..LOL My surgery date is in less than a month!!
SOOO i would leave them up on this site, but anywhere else I honestly think that I would have to hide them, because this was a very very unhappy, sad, dark time in my life, being as they say "morbidly obese" and I would probably be happier putting that part of my life to rest!!!
I have had a long struggle with my 150+weight gain in the past 8 years following the removal of my thyroid and once I start living life in my new body,
I don't think I need pictures to remind me of my past, because then of course I will have my scars and at that point, i think that will be enough!! I would want to showcase how AMAZING I look with my new body and maybe my success story!! But I guess I don't think I would showcase someone that I spent years being ashamed of!!
SOOO with that said....that is why I personally would take my pictures down!!

I'm with you Mare. I plan on keeping my before photos around for a few reasons. Yes, I want to see where I came from so I don't go back there, etc. But even more than that, that's who I was. Those pictures are memoirs of my life and I would never want to get rid of those memories. Big or not, I have a lot of great memories! :)