Instead of ROTD, let's do a fun post... What's on YOUR "yucky foods" list?

on 2/7/08 5:45 am - Zebulon, NC

Ditto on that milk!  UGH... I think I need to do a roasted turnip sampling party to get all y'all turned on to them! 

I've lost the love for ORANGE too... with my orange vitamins! 

305/292/213/199   (Start/DOS/CURRENT/1st GOAL)

Jennifer P.
on 2/7/08 2:17 am - Monroe, NC
Foods I cannot eat since RNY...   Tuna Shrimp Oatmeal Steak Sausage Fruit of any kind Foods I just don' like.... Liver (or any organ type meat) Rutabagas Asparagus Chinese Food Indian Food Turnip Roots (I like the greens..) Congealed salads... I have to identify what I am eating Coconut... anything Cranberry sauce Veal Lamb cottage cheese tofu beets Yogurt
324/180/149 -  31 pounds below goal!!!

on 2/7/08 5:46 am - Zebulon, NC
Woops... missed something! Add COTTAGE CHEESE to my list too...

305/292/213/199   (Start/DOS/CURRENT/1st GOAL)

on 2/7/08 2:44 am, edited 2/7/08 2:51 am - Cary, NC
Raspberries?!?!?   I love 'em even more because they're called "ahadudu" in Turkish.  Just say that out loud two or three times and then tell me you can't love a raspberry! I've traveled to a bunch of places and there's a long list of things I don't like; fortunately, we don't have a lot of them in abundant supply here in the US!   Eels, for instance -- ewwww.  The worst thing I've ever had to eat was sheep brains mixed with artichokes and garlic.  I'm with Jennifer K and jwilhunt: You can pretty much put any kind of organ on my Yuck List: liver, kidneys, intestines, etc.  If it's an organ, as far as I'm concerned it's something humans no longer need to consume unless we're trapped in some remote purgatory and have already eaten our shoe leather. Coffee is a taste I've never taken to; it tastes sort of like boiled sticks.  I do not like slimy okra.  Or eggplant that's bitter.  I like spinach, but spinach does not like me.  Which is a shame.  We would have made such a great couple.


on 2/7/08 5:49 am - Zebulon, NC
OK... haven't TRIED eels yet, but I'm purty sure the're on my "no eat" list... I HAVE tried escargot and they need to be added on my list as well. NOTHING will get me liking raspberries.  I wish I could... I try, just like salmon, but it just doesn't happen.  I actually believe it is genetics in our taste buds, because none of my family likes them.  We like all other berries (except my sis who doesn't like strawberries), so I think we were just born that way.

305/292/213/199   (Start/DOS/CURRENT/1st GOAL)

on 2/7/08 10:50 am - Cary, NC
You're right; we're definitely born with some tastes and distastes.  I'm the only one in my family that simply cannot -- CAN NOT -- eat ketchup on eggs.  Sorry, but it sounds like a sacrilege to me!  Yet the whole entire rest of my family, generations on down the line, won't sit at a breakfast table without a bottle of Heinz for the eggs.   Someday they'll find a genetic cure for this chromosomal abnormality!  (Mine or theirs???  Ha!)


~ Lexipro ~
on 2/7/08 5:13 am - SC
I am the pickiest eater on earth so it's probably easier to make a list of things I DO like than don't. There are two "WLS Staples" however that I can't get near: COttage cheese - just ugh, nasty Tuna - OMG SO GROSS and the SMELL? UGH When someone in a nearby cube brings it for lunch I have to go to another part of the office, its that bad.

Lexi -  Size 6-8 and holding.


on 2/7/08 5:54 am - Zebulon, NC

Lexi, as a foodie, I'm always intrigued by so called "picky eaters."   Why do you think that is? I wonder if it has to do with what folks are exposed to at very young ages, or if palates are just different. Or do you fear venturing out and tasting new things because you *think* you won't like them (because of their looks, smell, etc.) , but just won't try them to see?  Is it a texture thing?

Are there foods that you *think* you might like when you see them and might want to try, but just haven't or can't bring yourself to try? I'm not being critical, but truly do like to understand this more... from you or anybody *****ads this that would like to comment...

305/292/213/199   (Start/DOS/CURRENT/1st GOAL)

~ Lexipro ~
on 2/7/08 6:02 am - SC

My background is polish and italian so basically if they can kill it, they eat it. I've always been exposed to a wide variety of foods and I'll admit to eating some things you would NOT want to know the ingredients of (kiska anyone?). Most of my 'no-no' foods have to do with smell or texture rather than taste.

For example - I love beef mmmmmm

I love marinara sauce.... mmmmm DO NOT put beef in my marinara - not even meatballs.. WHY? The beef always tastes like funky pieces of DRY in the middle of my WET sauce. I can't get around it lol.

Lexi -  Size 6-8 and holding.


on 2/7/08 6:54 am - Zebulon, NC
Hummmmmmmmm... Veddy interesting!

305/292/213/199   (Start/DOS/CURRENT/1st GOAL)

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