Yummy accidental Slushy (Please add your FAV beverages/mixes)
I saw some Crystal Lite Cherry Pomegranate Immunity (w/Vits A, C and E) water flavor packets today in the store so I decided to give 'em a try. I put one in a bottle of Minute Maid Lite Lemonade. I threw it in the freezer ice drawer to get good and cold while I was eating, and forgot about it until a few minutes ago. It was half frozen so I gave it a shake and it's SOOOOOOOOOO good and slushy...
I frequently add these flavor pouches in the lemonade instead of water, so if you haven't tried that, do!
Do you have any drink "mixes" you like.... please share!

It won't let me copy the NUT info from their web site to put here, but go to THIS LINK and click on the tab there on this page for that.
It shows 0 sugars, 1 carb.
MM also has a Lite Orange in the bottles. I do not like the Lite Lemon-Limeaid that comes in jugs in the dairy dept. I LOVE lime anything, but this is nasty to me.
The web site says they have a Lite Cherry Limeade in 12 oz. cans, but I've never seen that... sounds YUM.
I've bought Walmart band sugar free single drink mixes. They are pretty good. My favorites are Raspberry Ice and Fruit Punch. Lemonade is good too, but you have to add a slenda to it! Thank you so much for posting all of your recipes! They are really helpful and make this journey a more yummy!! Have a blessed day!