Lawmakers go INSANE in Mississippi! "Bill would make it illegal to feed the obese" (Read...

on 2/4/08 2:57 am - Zebulon, NC
LINK HERE This can't have any chance of happening, and makes you wonder just how CraZy some of our lawmakers really are... and wonder if they can't find something a bit more REAL to spend their time on to help folks! Bill would make it illegal to feed the obese Three legislators want to make it illegal for restaurants to serve obese customers in Mississippi.

House Bill No. 282, which was introduced this month, says: Any food establishment to which this section applies shall not be allowed to serve food to any person who is obese, based on criteria prescribed by the State Department of Health after consultation with the Mississippi Council on Obesity Prevention and Management established under Section 41-101-1 or its successor. The State Department of Health shall prepare written materials that describe and explain the criteria for determining whether a person is obese, and shall provide those materials to all food establishments to which this section applies. A food establishment shall be entitled to rely on the criteria for obesity in those written materials when determining whether or not it is allowed to serve food to any person.

The proposal would allow health inspectors to yank the permit from any restaurant that "repeatedly" feeds extremely overweight customers.

The bill, written by GOP Rep. W. T. Mayhall Jr., was referred to the Judiciary and Public Health committees, but The Jackson Free Press doesn't expect it to garner much support in the statehouse.

About two-third of Mississippians are considered overweight or obese, according to a recent analysis of federal health data.

305/292/213/199   (Start/DOS/CURRENT/1st GOAL)

Jennifer P.
on 2/4/08 4:16 am - Monroe, NC
That is DISCRIMINATION in the most pure and simple form.  I am just disgusted that the Mississippi legislature would even entertain such a proposal.   I think every person who is considered obses under the criteria prescribed by the State Department of Health in Mississippi should file suit against the state.  And really...  would restaurants have to keep scales on hand and weight customers before they served them? I bet they don't have a law against selling liquor to an alcoholic or cigarrettes to someone with lunch cancer.  WHATEVER!
324/180/149 -  31 pounds below goal!!!

on 2/4/08 4:24 am - Zebulon, NC
Most restaurants can't get enough staff to count change or enter an order right in a computer... they sure as hell can't find enough to be fat police!  LOL I'm sure this is going to cause a lot of ruckus... from the obese population to the restaurant industry who has NO desire to police customers or the health department who will be charged with fining and shutting down non-compliant restaurants.   S**T like this just perpetuates making the SOUTH look dumber than dirt!  That ****** me off more that the topic itself.

305/292/213/199   (Start/DOS/CURRENT/1st GOAL)

on 2/4/08 5:31 am - Raleigh, NC
This is absolutely rediculous!!!!!!!! Seriously! I'm.. I'm.. I'm beside myself that this would even be put forward. It's not just insane - It's ignorant beyond belief.  Applebee's - while I refuse to visit their establishment because of how they treated me as a fat person, I give them credit for having a Weigh****chers part of the menu.  And speaking of the economy - how does this help the ecomony? Resturaunts will lose profits, which in turns would cut employment.  But what gets me the most about this is part of how this just futhers the whole "governement should take care of you mentality" that further instigates and progresses society in the menality that society is already progressing towards - Not taking responsibility for themselves. It is appauling. Everything is everyone elses fault but their own.  So hey - why not. Next thing the government will tell us what clothes we should wear, what medicines we should take (this is sooner than you think), what car you are allowed to drive (this too is sooner than you think). Very scary ... very scary indeed.

Pre-Surgery (08/01/07):  467.5
Surgery Day(08/30/07):  445
09/15/09: 237
on 2/4/08 9:36 am - Zebulon, NC
Yeah... don't 'cha think the Guv has bigger fish to fry?!?!??!

305/292/213/199   (Start/DOS/CURRENT/1st GOAL)

on 2/4/08 10:20 am - Spring Hope, NC
So what are they going to do about school cafeterias?  Any establishment that sells food--???? Can't have all those fat children running around the school cafeteria eating all that salt filled fatty fried food. 

Nancy W.
on 2/5/08 1:02 am - Jacksonville, NC

So, I guess the govt. is going to not allow the obese employees a lunch hour, because that's when people EAT!  I just can't understand who they think are the overall majority of customers?  Overweigh people!!!  We all see how little it takes to be classified as this event they will be cutting their business in at least half, because if you're not obese, your dining partner or someone in the party is, and that means loss of business and more cookouts! Nancy

on 2/5/08 4:10 am - Winterville, NC
This topic seriously makes me want to vomit.    I saw this guy on The Early Show this morning and HE IS NOT SKINNY! I wanted to say you ********hould look in the mirror... It just INFURIATES me to no degree. I forget who the person was interviewing him, but you could tell she was MAD also! She kept bringing up the descrimination card and he was like "Oh we are just trying to bring awareness"... what the **** ever!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry ladies, but this really makes my blood boil.   I think she even asked him something about if this was a racial thing and how it would have never gotten noticed... I had to leave in the middle of the interview to come to work, but I taped it and will watch it tonight.  I just can't believe the NERVE of some people...  Like there aren't more IMPORTANT things to worry about right now-- how about the war in Iraq or soilders coming home and taking their lives b/c of all the stress they have seen in the war. Can't they do something to help THOSE PEOPLE?  How about the economy and all the old people that can't afford to buy food or medicine!? I think there is a LOT more for these lawmakers to be concerned about... UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!        

373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal

It's a BOY!

on 2/8/08 12:53 am - NC
Mississippi has a real problem with obesity. It is #1 in the country for obesity but it is 50th in the country in education. I think the bill was introduced to raise awareness to the problem. I don't agree with it either but, it is obvious that Mississippi has a problem and something needs to be done there.
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