Exercise DVD's
Does anyone have the TURBO JAM DVD set that they would like to get rid of? I will pay shipping on them if anyone has them.I am trying to find some fun work outs but hate to pay $60 for something that I am not going to like. Or I am open to other suggested DVDS. I want to try to keep this exercise thing from becoming a four letter word! lol!!

Go to eBay! I just went there and did a search for "turbo jam dvd" and 174 listings came up at all sorts of great prices!
http://search.ebay.com/turbo-jam-dvd_W0QQ_trksidZm37QQfromZR 40
Here in Charlotte we have time warner cable and there is a free exercise on demand channell hidden at the end of all the demand channells . It has yoga, dance work out, pilates and all sorts of stuff at all levels and it is on when you want it to be on. It is part of that digital on demand stuff.
We found it last year when my neice was here and now I am planning on using it too
Sandra Mannaravalappil......The Best Darn Chubby Realtor in Charlotte LOL