oh what a headache
hello OH family... I have been MIA this week I know...but I have had a headache most all week long. I'm really nervous about it because I've never had one that has lasted more than a day or so. It started as a horrible migrane on Saturday and since then it has been really a dull headache. Ya know one of those headaches that at any moment you worry .."will it turn into a migrane". For those that understand my nervousness about another full blown migrane, please help!! or say a prayer!!
I honestly don't think I'm dehydrated. I've been drinking my fluids, but could it be something else?? Being still only just over two months postop I get scary nervous about what "any little out of the ordinary thing" could be. I've read the dehydration posts and it makes me worry.
struggling and not myself at all!
Thanks guys-
I am going to bed...just hurting too bad to sit at a computer screen.

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THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey sweetie! I am so sorry about your headache! I started having dehydration headaches at about two months, too. I was getting in 60-80 oz of water, but it turned out I needed more like 120 oz per day. Try that and see if it helps. For me, it makes an almost instantaneous difference (ie. within 20 minutes of bumping up my water. If it doesn't get better, tho, for sure call Doc Roc.
big hug!
Big hugs for you hon, I suffer from migraine and tension headaches, I know how bad they hurt and I have been headache free up until two weeks ago, now Ive had a tension headache and two migraines... and all I can do is take my Imitrex which SOMETIMES works and sometimes does not or pop a Vicodin which makes me itch but kills the headache. I hope you feel better sweetie.
Big hugs for you hon, I suffer from migraine and tension headaches, I know how bad they hurt and I have been headache free up until two weeks ago, now Ive had a tension headache and two migraines... and all I can do is take my Imitrex which SOMETIMES works and sometimes does not or pop a Vicodin which makes me itch but kills the headache. I hope you feel better sweetie.
Hey Chica,
Sorry your still not feeling well. Try some sugar free popsicles to help get in some of your fluid also. Gosh, I am worried about you. You have my number if you need ANYTHING at all. Even helping with your furbabies or any errands you may have or a ride to the Doc's. You just let me know.