I've got severe Sleep Apnea & I'm afraid to see surgeon!
WELCOME to our NC world here... Most ALL WLS patients have sleep apnea. It was my ONLY co-morbidity! My BMI pre-surg was 43. My weight was 305. Much of the general population now suffers from it, but most of them are undiagnosed. You have that benefit. AND, they told me to bring my bi-pap with me to the hosptial, which I did. I was DX with SA in 2001. It was SO bad, the tech told me to sleep upright in a chair until seeing the doctor once he got the report. He sent me for surgery... my uvula was removed, my tonsils were taken out, and they removed some bones in my sinuses! After that, my apnea was still extremely dangerous... over 300 "non-breathing episodes" in the 5 hours they monitored me with multiple periods up to 1 1/2 minutes long that I was not breathing! Post WLS surgery, my breathing (as monitored by the pulse-ox monitor they put on your finger) was labored for the first day or so, so when the pulse-ox alarm sounded that my ox had dropped too low, I'd just put my bi-pap on.
I haven't been re-tested yet for the apnea... I'm 3 mos. post op, but not using my bi-pap. Probably should be, but I can tell a TREMENDOUS change in my breathing even when just sitting around. Did you know that there's an 87% CURE rate of Sleep Apnea for those having WLS??? Talk to your doctor about your concerns. I'd bet close to 100% of WLS patients have sleep apnea. There are other things that are more of a risk than what you fear, but your fears are not to be discounted. Rest assured that the anesthesiologist will be aware of your sleep apnea, from your medical record, but also, from YOU when they come and pre-op interview you. Keep asking your questions. We're all here to answer them and support each other. Rest assured that we ALL have our fears and concerns pre-op. They may be different from yours, but real just the same.

SweetGal_Debbie: I have very severe sleep apnea. I also weight 467 lbs when I started seeing my surgeon. My CPAP is kept on the highest setting (15). At my sleep study, I had 293 episodes in a 3 hour time frame. My pulmanologist said it was the most he had ever seen in his practice. I had the gastric bypass and had absolutley no problems. I was warned that because of my apnea there was risk of needing to put a tube down my throat and kept in for a while after surgery - which I would need to be in the ICU ward for 24 hours. I did have it during surgery.. but it didn't stay. I woke up in the afternoon and it was all me and no tube. I just had to take my mask to the hospital with me and a CPAP machine was brought to my room. They had a pulmonary nurse come and check on me every night to make sure I wore it LOL.