Shin Splints

How were shin splints treated?
Previously, two different treatment management strategies were used: total rest or a "run through it" approach. The total rest was often an unacceptable option to the athlete. The "run through it" approach was even worse. It often led to worsening of the injury and of the symptoms.
Currently, a multifaceted approach of "relative rest" is successfully utilized to restore the athlete to a pain-free level of competition.
What is the multifaceted "relative rest" approach?
This multifaceted approa*****ludes:
- Workouts such as stationary bicycling or pool running - these will allow maintenance of cardiovascular fitness.
- Icing - to reduce inflammation.
- Anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin); naproxen (Aleve/Naprosyn) - are also a central part of rehabilitation.
- A 4-inch wide Ace bandage wrapped around the region - to also help reduce discomfort.
- Calf and anterior (front of) leg stretching and strengthening - to address the biomechanical problems discussed above and reduce pain.
- Careful attention to selecting the correct running shoe based upon the foot type (flexible pronator vs. rigid supinator) - this is extremely important. In selected cases shoe inserts (orthotics) may be necessary.
- Stretching and strengthening exercises are done twice a day.
- Running - only when symptoms have generally resolved (often about 2 weeks), AND with several restrictions:
- A level and soft terrain is best.
- Distance is limited to 50% of that tolerated preinjury.
- Intensity (pace) is similarly cut by one half.
- Over a 3-6 week period, a gradual increase in distance is allowed.
- Only then can a gradual increase in pace be attempted.
The amount of injury that occurs prior to any rehabilitation program plays a significant role in determining the time frame necessary for complete recovery. Also good info here at WebMD - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Ladies- Thanks for all the info. I am just taking it easy - little walking and no Turbo jamming for a while. Had my 5 + month cjeck up with the NUT yesterday. I go for my six month checkup on the 13th of Feb. Received orders for all the blood tests
. Weight loss slowed to 8 lbs over the last month - but no walking, etc accounts for some of that. I am pleased with the way I feel.
Thanks again to all - you are good friends and great help!

You can help by streching out your shins every day whether you exercise or not. You can do this by standing flat footed and then lifting your toes off the ground. You'll feel the pull in your shin muslces. Doing these daily will help shin splints a great deal. I used to get them all the time, when I was walking on pavement a lot and those stretches really helped.
You may need to allow them to rest for a couple of days, then start stretching for a couple of days before you get back into vigorous exercise. Allowing them to heal then easing back into the workout accompanied by stretching will probably prevent you from having them again.
Good luck! I know how painful they can be!
Start: 306
Surgery: 284
Current: 167

Goal Weight: 155