OT: Holy Tasty Tea Time Batman!!!
OK - first of all I L-O-V-E the blueberry in all it's glorious fattening, wonderous forms. Pies, scones, icecream, cobbler...you get the picture.
Well, if you are like me and love those berries of blue, try this...
Oh yes! I do lubs me a nice, hot cup-o-tea.
Gearing up for my re-birthday on the 12th of Feb, I have been trying to be very diciplined in my choices of tasty items that I can enjoy pre & postop and found this to actually cure a hankerin' for a great big ol' handsome hunka pie! (OK - not exactly, but amazingly satisfying all the same.) Seep bag for a good 4-5 minutes, a packet of Splenda - voila! Great flavor, caffeine free and blueberries are loaded with antioxidants, so GO GETCHYOU SOME!!

I've never liked hot tea before, but since I've lost my taste for coffee, I need something hot to warm up my band in the morning and I buy the fruit sampler pack. My fav is the black cherry zinger- with a splena of course! They don't have blueberry in the sample pack, but now I know who to give it to if I buy it and don't like it (which is doubtful). Wish we were having a cup together! (boy, that makes me sound so old) lol. Love ya, Noodle