How do you reward yourself for reaching weightloss goals?
Good question! I don't think I've done any reward yet... gotta start thinking about that. I spoil myself anyway... LOL I don't wait till I should get a reward, I just take 'em when the urge strikes! LOL I don't care for manicure... hands in water too much. And I get pedis anyway... religiously... couldn't live w/out them, so that wouldn't be a "treat" for me.
I should just start putting $5/day in a jar like I did first couple of years when I quit smoking. Did you realize that $5 x 365 = a nice $1825! THAT is nice vacation (or "reward") money each year! I put it in a skinny neck tequila bottle so I couldn't snitch from it... but had to wait to end of year to break it open!

Hi, Darcie!! All of your rewards sound wonderful. I also had a horse and had to sell him when I moved to NC back in 2000. I am hoping to go to a vacation ranch when I hit my final goal. It is located in western NC and includes all the riding you can handle. I've already checked it out online and it sounds really neat! And yes.......I will own a horse again someday,too:)!!!! I will definitely let you know when I go riding!!! That would be GREAT!!!! Equine Country!!!
Anchor cut TT 9/27/2007
Is it just me, or does there seem to be a LOT of horse people in here?
I'm NOT one... B.A.D. horse experience, 2 of them... and I grew up owing about 40 ponies (my daddy raised them for fun) and riding (English) during high school. NO desire to ever get on one again! I live in the middle of LOTS of horse people and they ride all around me... there are 3 standing at my back fence right now that are owned by the fellow who lives down behind me... I look at 'em, feed 'em apples and carrots... and WATCH everybody around here ride. LOL
I am a work in progress and I am committed to progress with the work ahead of me.....