ROTD-Nat'l PEANUT BUTTER DAY! - What's YOUR favorite way to eat it??? Fun SURVEY in...
I like both.. but I prefer smooth!
What's YOUR favorite BRAND of PB?
JIF! But I have to buy and eat Peter Pan because of my persnickety hubby.
What's Your favorite PB obsession or way(s) to eat it?
I mean PB is good any ole way you eat it! However, my favorite way to eat PB is on saltine crackers or on a PB&J (which you all know I can no longer eat!!)
And hey.. Wendy... my dad used to eat Jif PB, Dukes Mayo and ONIONS on a sandwich. I would just about GAG!
PB and banana sandwiches were the thing. Mom would fix it up and I could continue to play outside while I ate. I did banana and mayo as well, but wasn't as big a hit with me. It was the only time I would eat mayo of any kind. I'll have to ask mom if she ever did all three together.
My fav is Jif Creamy. Won't buy chunky. No clue why Jif, just the one I always grab. My all time fav way of eating PB is Chocolate Peanut Butter Icecream. I guess those days are over with. I still have a container in my freezer.
Has anyone ever heard of peanut butter powder?? it kinda makes me GACK
when I think about it. I was looking at some PB recipies and one called for PB I googled it. I ain't NEVER!! 065 - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
ok.. NEVER had a PB/Nanner/Mayo sandwich. LOL not planning on it in my life time unless forced
But I'm SMOOTH PB person on sandwiches and CHUNKY in cookies
Speaking of - Aunt DeeDee - what did I do wrong with my cookies?!? I had a 3 ingedient recipe:
1 cup PB, 1/2 c splenda, 1 egg and bake.
this was to replace my old : 1 cup PB, 1 Cup sugar, 1 egg, vanilla recipe.
They were so grainy and wouldn't stay together like the old recipe. It was like eating sand.
My favorite.. I'm going to ahve to go with Peanut Butter Co... Dark Chocolate on cinnamon gahram crackers. (Someone here *cough cough cough* got me addicted to it!!!)

I'm not a baker so I don't know what to tell you, except I don't know how you get a "cookie" and it have any substance w/out any sort of flour in it. Also, I thought you used equal exchange of Splenda for Sugar. There are some PB cookies on the site you might look at that will help.