ROTD-Nat'l PEANUT BUTTER DAY! - What's YOUR favorite way to eat it??? Fun SURVEY in...
Smooth Jif -- no other for me .
I like my PB on a spoon best , also on a stick of celery is pretty dang good. I eat 2 tablesoon of PB everyday -- for some reason I do better with a little protein boost every day. Peanut butter and grap jelly --- awwww I used to love it , now I dump it :) I would say my bad food love over all BACON and MAYO sandwichs ( I am a West Virgina gal by birth , we did not have Dukes, I am a Helmans person ) ... I remember in the days past, frying up a pound of bacon and eating the entire thing myself .. what a Piggie I was. Now I limit myself to 2 pieces a couple times a month.
Do you prefer smooth or chunky? I like both. I really have no preference What's your favorite brand of PB? Again, no preference. I will eat the store brand. What is your favorite PB obsession or way(s) to eat it? I too grew up on the sandwich: pb, mayo, and banana......mmmmmmmmmmmmm But, now that I am post op, I tried something......low fat banana yogurt and a spoonful of pb. Stir it up and it tastes a little like a pb & banana sandwich. - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is eating peanut butter spread on Graham crackers right now LOL