OT: Help! What do you do?

on 1/17/08 9:22 am - Greensboro, NC
Out of all the techniques, old wives tales and such, I have the BEST way to make your cold sore worries dissapear... Red wine...it is the cure all.  Follow these steps... 1.) Get out a small glass. 2.) Slowly fill the glass with red wine. 3.) Dispense wine down your throat and make sure the glass is no more than 6 inches from the cold sore area. 4.) If you still feel the cold sore, you may need to attempt a second treatment. 5.) If the second treatment doesn't work, it could be the wine is "breathing too much", so drink directly from the bottle. 6.) Continue this treatment until you cannot feel the cold sore. 7.) Do not worry if you can't feel your face.  This is normal.   8.)  When you roll on the floor  declaring, "SOLD CORES?  WHOOOO SAID I'VE GOTTA SOOOLLD CORE?  YOUR MAMA'S A ROLD SCORE.... umm. where did my face go?" Treatment is complete. WARNING:  There are no studies on long term results of this treatment. **************************************** Sorry!  I think I've got a case of the sillies tonight!!!
on 1/17/08 9:56 am - Gastonia, NC
First I gotta quit laughing at Dakini!!  That was very cute!  Thanks for the laugh!!  Mare... I am a cold sore pro.  However, nothing works for me.  Absolutely nothing.  I have one currently in my right nostril...(beautiful visual huh?).  It is so horrible.  I actually have a prescription for zovorax and that is also a prescription for Herpies.  If I take the medicine at the first twitch it can sometimes be stopped, but not completely.  ughhh.  So if you get them often like I do...it might be worth talking to your Dr. about getting a prescription.   Although, I have seen some GREAT advice here.  I'm gonna try a few of them "next time".  Trust me...it will be soon.  I HATE IT!  They are horrible!   Good Luck..Connie

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THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!  

on 1/17/08 9:16 pm - NC
I' ve tried this technique. Still blemishized! Do you think a stronger solution, saaaaaaaaay, Grey Goose may do the trick? Your thoughts, please... hee xoxo Mare
First visit with surgeon 2/07-383lbs  Day of surgery 2/08-336lbs  Current-226lbs

Robin W.
on 1/17/08 12:13 pm - Fort Mill, SC
Hey there!  I have absolutely no advice, but I would ask that you make sure to keep us updated.  What did you do, and what worked?  (or didn't)   - thank you!
Hi 423, Start 396, Surgery day 356, Current 238, Goal 135

Health and beauty in a whole new way! - RWeber1.qhealthbeauty.com
on 1/17/08 9:55 pm - Matthews, NC, NC
Abreva, is my choice for the cold sore---- I find if I keep a tube in my purse and if I feel the slight tingle ie that feeling you know you get before one pops out and start the stuff, it is normally much shorter healing time or in some cases one does not come out at all. COLD SORES SUCK,,,,,, I feel your pain  :)
on 1/17/08 10:00 pm - Zebulon, NC
There are some accounts of home remedies also on The People's Pharmacy web site. Link Here

According to one reader, "I came across a story from a man who found out 40 years ago that buttermilk prevents cold sores. He's been drinking the stuff ever since and has not had another outbreak.  "Out of curiosity, I got some buttermilk and I've been drinking it since this past Sunday. That morning I noticed a new cold sore coming on. Today is Wednesday and the cold sore is almost completely gone already! That has never happened to me before. Before this I've found that the sores last about 10 days, from onset to complete healing." One popular approach to treating cold sores is the amino acid l-lysine. We've gotten many testimonials similar to this one: "Starting at 8 or 9 years old, I was plagued with cold sores. (I am now 60.) About 15 years ago, a doctor told me to take 500 mg of l-lysine a day along with my vitamins.  "I rarely get a cold sore. Any I get now usually clear up in 2 or 3 days. In the past, the sores took a minimum of ten days to heal. If I stop taking the l-lysine, within a couple of months the cold sores start again." Another reader shared this remedy: "I've been troubled with cold sores since my mid-twenties and I've tried a lot of different remedies. If a blister appears, I cut the end off a clove of garlic and use it like a lipstick on the sore. Each time I apply the garlic, I shave the end to get fresh juice. It stings a little, but not for long. Garlic helps clear a cold sore up much faster than any other remedy I've tried.  "Sometimes if I start with the garlic as soon as I feel the tingling on my lip, I can stop the blisters from forming. I've never seen any mention of this remedy, but my sister has tried it and it works for her, too."

Preventing Cold Sores

Newspaper Columns, Herb & Home Remedy Q&A April 9, 2007

Q. You had an article about drugs to heal cold sores faster. Why not prevent them? I take L-lysine before meals every day and it prevents cold sores from developing into full-blown blisters. I think prevention is better than cure. A. Several studies suggest that the dietary supplement lysine may reduce cold sore outbreaks (Alternative Medicine Review, June, 2006). The optimal dose is not known, but side effects seem rare.

Some people content that limiting the amino acid arginine in the diet improves the effectiveness of lysine. Foods high in arginine include chocolate, nuts and seeds. Here's some other home remedies I found but have no personal experience!

- When you feel the tingling, burning or itching sensation, rub juice from aloe plant on the affected area. Dab of aloe gel is effective too. Aloe will begin the healing process immediately and not allow the sore to grow.

- Apply cornstarch paste to the affected area.

- Mix a drop or two of grapefruit seed extract either with aloe or olive oil and dab it on the sore.

- Rub ice cube on the sore for 10 minutes every hour at the onset of fever blisters. It will prevent the movement of the virus to the skin.

- Extract of lemon balm reduces the symptoms and speeds up the healing process.

- Combine equal parts of tinctures of echinacea, calendula, oats, burdock, and lomatium. Take ½ tsp four to fives time a day to soothe the inflamed tissue, remove the toxins from the body and kill the viruses and bacteria.

- Topical application of extract of mint will speed the healing of the blister.

- Drink several cups of sage tea with a dash of powdered ginger till the blisters are not cleared up.

- Steep an ordinary tea bag in boiling water, cool it and then apply to the blister. The blister should disappear within few days.

- Vaseline will help to moisturize and soften blisters to prevent them from cracking and bleeding.

- Dab a drop or two of St. John's Wort essential oil. It not only soothes, but reduces the pain and speeds up the healing process.

- Apply Witch Hazel on sores.

- Put some common salt on your moistened index finger and press it on to the sore for a minute twice a day for 2-3 days.

- Apply spirit of camphor on the sore.

305/292/213/199   (Start/DOS/CURRENT/1st GOAL)

Jennifer P.
on 1/17/08 7:56 am - Monroe, NC
Oh Mare!  Forgive me for slighting your blemish.  LOL   I don't have them.. but I have read that Pure Lavendar Oil works wonders for drying them up!  :D
324/180/149 -  31 pounds below goal!!!

on 1/16/08 10:00 pm - NC
Thanks...here I go...  Running 
First visit with surgeon 2/07-383lbs  Day of surgery 2/08-336lbs  Current-226lbs

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