Have I screwed this up already?
What they all said.....
You're doing great! Keep up the good work and follow the diet plan your doctor outlined and you'll do fine. We all, including me, posted this at some point early out. I stalled at 4 weeks as well. It doesn't seem to matter whether or not you know stalls are common one month out or not, we all still freak out about it. This will work.
Take care.
Ms. Juliana!! Ok lady, I've seen you on here a couple of times with SUCH INSPIRATIONAL things to say to Everyone, so listen to what everyone has told YOU this time and SMILE!!
I've said it MANY times on here before, and have told Ms. Annie personally, that those scales are GRUMPY, EVIL little things that CAN'T BE TRUSTED!!
You are going thru and feeling what we all have I'm sure!! BUT DON'T WORRY PLEASE!!
All will "come out in the wash" as my great grandma used to tell me!!
Things will kick start again and those 5 LITTLE pounds will vanish along with up to 5 more of their little friends!!
You take care of yourself and don't worry!!
PS. My mom owns Daytona Rays (tanning salon) in Carrboro and I'm there all the time maybe we can do lunch sometime!! Ms. Annie knows me if you need to ask someone if I'm a psycho or not lol

Happy Birthday Juliana how cool is that to be 21.
Ahhh only a pipe dream for me LOL I am pretty free next week I do my water class on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I did not go this morning the weather man frreaked me out talking about possible ice. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Rock on. Annie