Please wish me luck
Good Morning Losers, hope everyone is having a great day....
Well tomorrow I have a appointment to see a plastic surgeron to see about my belly , I have so much skin and I am having rash issues etc... I am seeing a Dr Eves at Charlotte Plastic I have heard lots of good stuff about him , have any of you used them?
Although I would love a full body lift with a boob job, I am really just hoping to get a panni removal covered by insurance, has anyone of you tried to use insurance to cover the procedure ?
You all say a pray for me tonight that for once my insurance does me right :)
Have a great day
Good morning, and good luck! Since you're having rash issues, you might be able to get the panni removal covered. I wonder if you could have other things done (like a boob job) at the same time. Then insurance could pay for the anestesia and panni removal, and you would just have to pay for the extra time and equipment for the boob job? I have no clue how all of that works, just a thought.
Either way, good luck at your appointment today...make sure to let us all know how it goes, and we'll all pray that the insurance companies come to their senses!!!
Best of luck to you!!! when I had a full boob lift and implants done I had to pay all ouf of pocket, I hope you get some coverage to help you with your expense!! Im hoping that my insurance will help out with a tummy tuck as its looking like I might have some lose skin that I dont like
Best of luck to you!!!

Wishing you every success at your appointment with your Dr.
I'm afraid that I don't have any experience re: insurance coverage to remove the panni, but you might want to cross post to the insurance, main, rny, graduate and plastics forums. You may will get some good information.
Please let us know how it goes.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
My insurance wouldn't cover a panni removal even if I had complications like rashes or back pain. I have a picky insurance.
Looking at the PS forum; it does appear several people have had insurance coverage.
I had my TT on 9/27/07 and paid out of pocket for it. Best money I have spent on my self. I had 11.5 pounds cut off. I went from 14's to 8's and 10's. The surgery went a long way toward making me feel normal.
I had surgery in Raleigh., but I have heard DR. Eaves mentioned on this site. I have pre-op and post-op PS pics on my profile.
I will pray your insurance covers this procedure for you. Let us know how your consult goes.
Anchor cut TT 9/27/2007
I really keep you in my prayers. Keep us posted. Congrats!! - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh how I pray my insurance will cover it, as there is no way I could pay out of pocket because I am still paying for my RNY .
I do wish for the day our doctors make the decisions on our health and not some suite at a insurance company, it is horrible to think the insurance companys hold our health in their hands. It all comes down to the money , we all pay so much for insurance but when it comes down to the need to use it sometimes we walk into a brick wall.
My hope is one day if your doctor says " YOU NEED A RNY or lapband" --- than it happens, no red tape no appeals just --- " the doctor says so , lets do it " . With our world now being so open with choices people make it just kills me to know the obese are still being treated like second rate folks.
Okay I will get off the ol soap box... thanks for the well wishes