I need help (x-post)
Caroline I am so very sorry this continues to happen to you. I wish I could wiggle my nose and not only make you feel better, but come and give you a great BIG ((( HUG )))!! I can hear your pain in your words and I can't believe this is happening to you. I really agree that you shouldn't wait 2 weeks to see a uroligist. Try tomorrow to get your PCP involved. If that don't work.... ask for another Dr. to get involved. Again, I am so so sorry. We are here for you on the forum and although I am far away, please know I am thinking of you and saying prayers that you will get some relief and answers soon.
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Caroline -
I'm not sure why they think it will take 2 weeks for you to be seen by the urologist. If the urologist that you have been referred to isn't available, get other referrals. If your PCP can't help you with it and you need some help make phone calls to get you in with someone, let me know and I'll see what I can do to help. 2 weeks is unreasonable when you are in constant pain. I'd also go ahead and see about talking to the pain management clinic if necessary, not because it's FIBRO, but hopefully they can help find some pain management that will help you in the meantime.
I'll give you a call later this evening.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145