Mare... girl get these thoughts outta your head. Like some have said... eat what you can legally now and enjoy the heck out of every bite. Because after surgery... you will remember those bites. LOL When Myrtis mentioned a mouth watered. LOL!!!! But I know one day I can have it again.
You can do this. Just look at all the support you got behind ya. Now, go eat!
Connie - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey! I wanted to share something with you that I loved when I was doing my low carb pre op......
1. I took a plate and put a spoonful of pizza sauce (5 carbs), some mozzarella cheese (1 carb), and some peperoni (0 carbs, some brands). Heat this in the microwave. PIZZA!!!
2. I took raw hamburger, made a ball, put bacon and onions in the middle, then form a patty. Microwave this or put it in the George Foreman. Top with cheese, mustard, and a pickle. Very few carbs. BACON CHEESEBURGER!!!!!!!!!!
I know it is hard, but you will do fine.

Of course I can see you, I see your every move as you look at the bread and muffins that are sitting out on the counter, move them to places that only (checks spyware) Michael knows about. This will be less tempting during those nasty Carb cravings!! LOLOLOL I will be monitoring you closely for any bread/carb activity and if my bread detector goes off then you will receive a visit from me in your kitchen to remove all breads off the premises. 
Detective Baby Veins

Detective Baby Veins