Don't forget. sweetie, low carb doesnt have to mean low calorie. You can enjoy full cream whipped with splenda and it has zero carbs! Most of Wendy's lettuce wrap recipes are very low carb. You can eat all the bacon and eggs you want! The REALLY good news is that after your surgery, you won't WANT all the junk food!
Love you!
Don't really care for sweets & junk food, but "I lubs me sum bread & 'taters & 'sketti & beans."
Bah! I'm doing really good though. It's not as difficult as I make it out to be 'cuz my goal is right in front of me.
Oh! BTW - One of the women in the waiting room with us Tuesday works for VW too. She said she recognized you from somewhere...
now Mare, I would love a big fat rib eye steak . But would have to make it look like pudding. So go get a steak now while it is legal on that low carb diet. Think of me while you eat it. Be patient my girl. Right now I have to make myself eat. I id not even get a craving before my montly joy. Soooooooo....You can do it. Go Mare ...Go Mare
Your turn is just around the corner.
I'm right there with you Mare. I started my low carb diet on Jan. 2nd. Everywhere is food, food, food. But it is good training I suppose. I went cold turkey on my Mt. Dew and that's been the hard thing. I've had nothing bu****er since the 2nd. Boy is that hard....but I gotta get used to it.
My favorite treat right now - sugar free popsicles. Popsicle brand has tropical flavors: tropical orange, caribbean fruit punch, hawaiian pineapple. YUMMY!
We'll make it! Our date will be here before we know it.

Hurray for us! Our turns-a-comin'!!!
I never did like soda, thank goodness, and tank up on water all the time. Love the H2O.
My weakness is BREAD!!!!! Nice crusty baguettes & boules & croissants & bagels & english muffins &...Uh oh! Got carried away...sorry.
I was doing the popsicle thingy too till I read 2 grams of sugar alcohol. That's bad for me on low carb, no? I got a monster box of 'em in freezer. I'll eat them post-op.
Keep up the good work, girl.