"Take your happiness trip"
This is an excerpt from an article written by Barton Goldsmith (Scripps Howard News Service)
Happiness is not an exit off the freeway. The only way to reach this destination is to look within yourself. Here are the tools that may help:
1. Be easily amused.
2. Don't dwell on the negative.
3. Trust that your life has meaning.
4. Do something nice for yourself.
5. Always have something with you to read.
6. Do something for someone else without expectations.
7. Eat something you love to eat once a week.
8. Get outside and appreciate your environment.
9. Giving love and understanding is the first step in receiving it.
10. Always have a goal.
Remember that happiness is not constant. The truth is that happiness is usually found somewhere off the beaten path between the fantasy overpass and the reality off-ramp.
This article can be seen in its entirety on page 2C of the Raleigh News And Observer January 7, 2008.

This is an awesome article. Thanks for sharing!!! I think I'm gonna make a small poster of it and put on my fridg. Simply wonderful!!
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