Coming out of my shell
You look great so stop being so hard on yourself!!! I love the pink top!!! you told me you didnt like going out in public but you have got to promise me after surgery you WILL go out and go shopping with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im glad you ventured out last year so I could see and meet Janice Sopranos TWIN!!! I cant wait to hear your date!!!! Im soooo excited for you!!!
Love ya
Baby Veins
You look great so stop being so hard on yourself!!! I love the pink top!!! you told me you didnt like going out in public but you have got to promise me after surgery you WILL go out and go shopping with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im glad you ventured out last year so I could see and meet Janice Sopranos TWIN!!! I cant wait to hear your date!!!! Im soooo excited for you!!!
Love ya
Baby Veins I have already told you ... you better stop putting yourself down. I see I have others that feel this way also. So people have my back !!
YOU LOOK GREAT and as you can see, you have all the support in the world! So break outta that shell beautiful girl... !! We are here for you. With picks in hand to help you break out!
Keep us posted on your date!!
Connie - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
I always knew you were beautiful. But Now I need to come out of hiding too. As soon as I figure how to put photos on I will. By the way I like your flare for clothes......hurry up and get that surgery date and I need to go shopping together. I like color and bling also. I'm tired of dressing like a mom. I am waiting on YOU for that shopping trip.
Hernia Girl
I am glad you feel comfortable enough to share with us. I added some before pics to my profile. They are horrible front and side view. And let me share that someone made a comment on one of my pics that said "you have a lot of guts, no pun intended". It hurt my feelings, I deleted the pic and the comment. I did it to share with people who are considering surgery. Seeing people that were as big as me actually lose weight gave me inspiration and hope. I didn't put the pic up there b/c I am proud of how I look. I did it to show what I was and what I will never become again. Good for you!!!!!! And don't ever be ashamed, be proud, b/c you are working to change for the better. Thank you for sharing. I also want to wish you lots of luck. I know you have been waiting for ever for this to happen. You have been such a great supporter this whole time watching so many people pass you by, but you time is coming and we will be here to support you 100%
As for making the pic larger, I have so much trouble with that stuff, I can't help. I can just offer you love and support in your journey!

Thank you so much for your kind words. They really do mean alot to me. As for the comment left on your picture...It was a bit insensitive. You know the saying "No guts...No glory!" Well, our glory daze are coming, sistah!!
Now, I gotta go check out your piucs. I'm gonna have my honey retake mine later today. I think I may have finally figured out this whole freaking mess! LMAO