Coming out of my shell

Start: 306
Surgery: 284
Current: 167

Goal Weight: 155
Anchor cut TT 9/27/2007
Mare -
I know it took a lot of moxie for you to post those photos, but believe me you will be so glad to have them as you make your way. Be sure to take photos every month while on your journey ... don't forget to get a kaboose photo too! It will amaze you as you make your decent down the ladder.
Your photos probably appear small because they were saved in a small format. Upload the photos again in a normal size. If you took the photos with a camera phone, they may not enlarge. If you took them with a regular camera, the size is dependent on how you save the photo when you upload from your camera. I wouldn't worry too much about these particular photos. You can leave them this size or enlarge. Just make sure when you take your next photos and upload them that you save them in a normal size.
BTW ... You ARE beautiful NOW. Just as you are.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145