A "GIRLIE" question... (OK, I know you boys will peek! We see YOU Peeking!)
All my life when I have lost those several hundred pounds (over and over), the FIRST thing to "go" was always my breasties!
HOWEVER, this time, since my surgery, a strange phenomena has/is occuring. They are getting biGGer?!?!? Whazzup with that????????
I've gone from a C cup to a D, and even bought a new bra last week that is a DD!
I LIKED my C cups! I want them b.a.c.k.!
Now it IS nice that my stomach doesn't now stick out as far as my breasties do so I'm starting to have a "figure," but this breastie thing is a puzzle to me.
Has anybody else out there experienced this??????????
OMG!!!! You have me rolling!
I went from a 46 Barely B, to a 40 C, to a 38 D ... Now, I'm a 36 C. I imagine the deflation will continue if/when I lose the next 15 - 20 lbs.
I honestly was once shaped much like Rachel Ray ... if you can believe that ... Kind of flat on top and bigger in the kaboose. Now I'm a 12 on top and just bought another pair of size 8 pants. Go figure!
I'd rather have my porportions I was used to, but ....
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

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Yep! That's my understanding ... just lately, I've started losing breast cup size too. Since I started out flat chested, have always been flat chested, this ... even in it's temporary state has been an experience.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145