Me, and my Shadow... A little WoW today!
I went to the Y this morning for deep water swim aerobics... WHEW did we work out today!!!!!!
Sis had called last night to tell me they were going over this morning to visit and probably join too (YAH!).
We both live about 20 miles away, and I had just parked and was walking up to the sidewalk and they turned into the parking lot, so I waited for them so I could get some sugah from little Wyatt to start my day.
As I stood there waiting for them to park, I glanced down at the sidewalk and there was my shadow, where I saw SPACE/light between my legs, from bottom to top! I stood there and grinned to myself as I enjoyed that little wow of my shadow. I was wearing a pair of crop workout pants I found for a STEAL ($5) recently at Roses! In a ONE X!! (Down from 3X's not too long ago) So they fit more snugly to me than most stuff these days that's flopping around on me as I've lost weight...
That "space" in my shadow there on that sidewalk between my legs was priceless, and I wish I had had my camera there to take a picture of it! I know NObody can appreciate such as that as you, my friends, here at OH!
Me, and my shadow...

A wow moment like that isn't little....its HUGE! Way to go Wendy!! Congratulations on your continued success!
Connie - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!