deep water arobics
Annie, I don't ever remember doing ANY exercise that works my a** as much as the deep water aerobics I've been doing for a couple of weeks now. I was so "wore out" today after I drove away, I felt like I needed to pull on the side of the road and take a quick power nap... LOL... but that's not a very safe thing to do around these parts! For those who have access to a Y or pool to do this, I highly recommend investing it for yourself. I had to work up to the deep water for a few weeks, but glad I did. Sometimes I can't go at that time, so the gals know now that's what I prefer so they get me a deep water "belt" out and I get down there in the deep end by myself and get to it. Today I was in a lap lane all alone while the "Boot Camp" folks swam laps. I can truly feel my body getting healthy and toned with the water! I still go in one of the two changing rooms and not nekkid yet out in front of everybody! But there's a LOT of nekkid women running around in there of ALL shapes and sizes. Some of them probably NEED to get in one of those dressing stalls. LOL You have so much to be proud of... so you go right on in there like I do with all those skinny binnies and strut your stuff. They might not be hiding extra skin under their suits like we are, but they are most likely hiding other "stuff" in their heads!!
SWIM ON SISTAH! - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!