Reenilicious - geez I didn't even notice your ticker, you've lost 1/3 of your goal OH MY!
I need to get off my butt more. I've been whining that im too sore to walk tooo much so Ive been keeping it short but tonight i *had* to go to walmart to refill on protein drinks and I walked the whole store. Bad forthe pocket but you know, I felt better when I got home.
It's so damn cold out though, I'm glad I have this treadmill lol
Lexi - Size 6-8 and holding.
I go back the 15th. I've dumped all that "we pumped you full of fluids" weight I picked up so now I am hoping to see a bit of progress by then.
I am also curious about what Dr. S will release me to eat. His diet plan is different from the other two docs (longer liquids but less mushies) but the day I was released he said "you can eat pureeds as you feel comfortable with it" and my last hospital meal was pudding and cottage cheese (ewww). The pudding was ok but man I wish I hadn't had it when I got in the car, I fought keeping it down the WHOLE way home (maybe its the man's driving eh?).
Lexi - Size 6-8 and holding.