I've got the "burn"
I found the post like 30 pages in (took a while lol). I don't think mine is exactly the same. Its definitely more of a rash burn than a nerve burn, it seriously felt like a horrible rug burn... HOWEVER I did finally realize that it started after I took a shower this morning so I had a few possibilities - the fabric softner on the shirt I was wearing, the shirt I put on after the shower, or the soap I used. I "rewashed" and put on a different shirt that I dryed without the drier sheet and took a benadryl - voila! much better.
Mind you - I didn't have allergies to any of those things before so the skin there is prolly just super sensitive at the moment.
Lexi - Size 6-8 and holding.
yeah, I had it bad. Felt like I had a terrible sunburn and it itched really bad too. Actually the itching came first and then the burning feeling. My docs said take liquid benedryl for the itching. There wasn't much to help with the burning except time. it went away after about 4-5 days but those were some LONG days. it hurt just to get up out of a chair or the bed. Hang in there, it will get better.
Alice in OneDerland
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
This is a little after the fact, but I'll add the link to my "experience" here in case it helps somebody else down the road.
THIS IS THE POST about my burning!
Thank God that's behind me.
I hope your burning has subsided!