Heyheyhey! 1 day post op
Hello Loser, welcome to the bench :) hummm 2:57 AM-- bet they just woke you up for a blood pressure check , that drove me crazy . I visited the Mercy luxury suites when Pat had surgery WOW NICE place, I wish I had been able to have my surgery there instead of Presby where the room was small and the day nurse staff was down right rude ,,,, oh well, they took good care of me and I am now less of a woman for it Thank The Lord. You take care lay back and let the folks spoil you for awhile, don't forget Walk Walk Walk it helps with the gas . All the best and again Welcome to the new life you have chosen you may at times wonder " why did I do this " but trust me in the long run it will be life saving and you will learn to love your new way of life.
Allison aka-- Pugs Momma