My little wow
Ok, I don't usually post my wow moments but I went to Wal-Mart today and bought myslef a cute pair of lounging Pj's in a size large which isn't incredibly small. I get to the checkout counter and make a comment about how cute I think my pj's are and the lady says "well small people always can find the cutest things".....well, I told her I haven't always been small. But the thing is that I don't see myself as small by any means. I am happy for the WOW moment though and realize that others may view me as small in ways. I guess I am nearing average. I am on my way to small hopefully. Still some 45 pounds aways from my personal goal weight. My doctor never stated where I should be. I am looking forward to seeing my BMI fall in the 20's eventaully. It just takes so many pounds for that BMI to fall. I have an appointment on the 2nd for my 6 month post-op. Hopefully, I can drop a few more pounds by then. 2008 will hopefully be a great year for me and for everyone here on OH! I am thankful I have all of you guys here and am also thanful to have met many of you in person. I do hope we can pull a get together kind of in a central location so that the Charlotte gang and the other more Southern area Oh'ers can meet soon. That would be a blast. If Charlotte wasn't so darn far I would love to hang with y'all on your end of the month extravaganza. Sounds like loads of fun! Anyhow, hope everyone has a great holiday and hopefully we will all lose instead of gain!
Wow! Congratulations! That is wonderful! Someone you don't even know referred to you as small! That should tickle you pink!
I think that is a real wow moment! You are doing Great! I can't wait until I am on that Loser's Bench with you! The day someone calls me small, I'm going to shout it from the rooftops! LOL
Have a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy your "Small "PJ's!

Congrats Lisa on this wonderful WOW! You are doing great. Keep up the good work!!
Connie - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, Lisa!! That must have been some WOW moment!!
Jennifer said something about people who don't know you seeing you as small.....I can't wait till all of these people in my life that have told me that the surgery won't work or that I'll ever stick to the diet start calling me small!! Now that's going to be my WOW!!
Way to go, girl!! Keep up the good work!!
Kelly :)