Missed 3 month follow-up....
Start: 289 Current: 195 Goal: 170
"Stars light the way to the impossible, but when they fade, they reveal the possible!!!"
I know how you feel DL - I've sent every penny thelast 2 months to my mortgage company to try to save my house from foreclosure. I did it though. We are still slightly behind but no longer in trouble WOOO. I was terrified, lemme tell ya - but it works out in the end. Santa is having a lean year this year though. I stopped seeing the psycho doc last month too - couldnt pay for the sessions, but that was really an excuse lol the dude was a freak. He talked more than I did! IMO if you have to choose between the appt and vitamins, I'd pick vitamins unless you don't feel good.

Start: 289 Current: 195 Goal: 170
"Stars light the way to the impossible, but when they fade, they reveal the possible!!!"
My first 3 follow-up where covered, I did not have to pay anything. You probably should call your bariactric clinic to see if your first few follow-ups are covered (if I am not mistaken they are included in the surgical fees for the surgeon). Also, just because, you are taking your vits, Protein, water etc does not mean all is well. On my first labs(which was 3 months post-op I was selenium & D3, PTH low. I hope tha tyou work this out asap. Good luck. -Maryama
"Beauty is not in the face, Beauty is a light in the heart"
-Khalil Gibran