Uhhhhhhhhhh, what's up NC??? I've been offline for about a week and a half, so much going on and then I was in an accident on Tuesday night on my way to work. I'm ok, just neck/shoulder and back pain (whiplash stuff), but I'm getting better. My car didn't fair as well, the back bumper ended up in my back seat and needless to say it was a "total loss". Soooo, now I'm looking at new cars. (I only had about a year left to pay on my old one - ugh!!!!)... At least the guy who hit me admitted fault (he was looking down and all the sudden his truck stopped fast - hmmm), and he had insurance, thank God!
I had my Nephews (9 & 11 years old) over last night (we did our annual Christmas cookie bake/sleep over) so that was fun. This is the first year I didn't do much of the baking and just supervised more less. They did a great job! Rex came over and "helped"... he's such a big kid when my Nephews are over. Anyway, I love them but I was glad to get my house to myself again this morning.
My gall bladder surgery is coming up quick - on Dec 20th, so I'm trying to get everything ready at my house so I won't have to do anything while recooperating. I'm not done Christmas shopping either so I have to get on the ball!!! I even have to mail one package to San Diego so I need to finish that shopping and in the mail soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm usually done shopping by Thanksgiving so I feel a bit overwhelmed right now and haven't been able to enjoy the season yet... ugh!
Ok, I think I'm done with my novel... What's up in your neck of the woods???

08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
Wow, you've had an eventful couple of weeks Sheryl! I'm glad that you weren't more seriously hurt. I'm about 10 minutes from Pitt if you need anything while you're here for your surgery, let me know, k?
Things are okay here. I'm finally done my classes, they ended at midnight last night. Thankfully I passed both of them. The javascript class was extremely time consuming and difficult. It has kept me from fully participating on the boards and really everything else as well. I am so glad it's over....
Take care.
Thanks Ellen! I'm sure everything will be fine but I will let you know if I need anything. I have had a busy couple weeks, but that's normal for me. If I didn't have my dayrunner I would never remember anything... lol!
Congratulations on finishing your classes, I'm sure you did well! Did you do your classes on line? I'm thinking about taking a couple on line classes.
Goodness gracious... what a busy schedule with a car accident to ice the cake! I'm glad you're O****ep thinking all the time that now my car is paid off, some idiot is probably going to run into me and make ME have to start car payments again so I'm sorry about that piece of things! The nephew night sounds fun. I'll probably get Wyatt over here in the next week or two and have a baking day. He's just 3, but we've baked a few times already and he loves it. Of course I got him his own chef hat and apron, and little mini whisks and tools so he has a ball! Good luck with that GB surgery... I felt like a new woman years ago when I had mine removed!!
Thanks Wendy, I know the GB surgery will be fine. I can't wait to feel normal again! Your Wyatt is at the perfect age to get him started! My Nephews and I have been doing this since about then and they look forward to it every year. I get worn out! LOL! Julian (my 11 year old Nephew) wants to be a chef (at least right now), so I've been giving him some pointers and teaching him a bit here and there. I'm not a chef, I just love to cook/bake.
Have a great week!
Gosh, Sheryl, that sounds like a re-run of my experience on Nov 6th! Like you, I was able to count my blessings, but it isn't any fun to be saddled with a car payment again! And I am still being treated several times a week for the whiplash symptoms, which I had hoped would all be gone by now! So make sure you don't sign off on anything for awhile. Have you seen a dr for the pain? At least to get it documented?
Good luck with your GB surgery on the 20th. You should be feeling so much better when that is done! At least based on what I have heard. I have not (yet) had GB issues.