WHY does this bother me so much????
I have always hated to be called fat. (Unless I was saying it about myself.. then it was okay).. But my WHOLE life I have gone with people calling me fat. Well.. I did something about it. I am far from slim, but I think I look pretty doggone good. I have lost 114 pounds for goodness sake. Well.. a student of mine got mad at me and called me fat. It has ripped into me like you would not believe. Now I feel like that insecure fat girl from high school who was rejected by guys again. I don't feel like a slimming, confident 35 year old Professional. How can a teenager reduce me to those feelings again??? ARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!
Oh Jennifer, you don't look doggone good, you look FABULOUSSSSSSSSSSSS. Kids are mean, they were mean when you were in school. Things have not changed. They are still mean. They use hurtful words to get back at us for their own feelings. Do not let a student bring you down. Do NOT!!!!
You are a FABULOUS looking, CONFIDENT 35 year old Professional. Who has worked very hard to be where you are at. Squash those old feelings back down there lock them and and throw away the key.
Now you pick up that beautiful new you and shake that ass and walk away with pride in tact.
I so look up to you and so many more on here other then just me. Not only do you look fabulouS, Girlfriend YOU ARE FABULOUS......... Now you lick the forefinger, and put it to your butt because you are sizzlinggggggggg HOT............ PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words. The bad thing is that it is hard to sqash those old feelings. Old habits die hard for sure. I have been fat for the majority of my 35 years, so that "fat girl" mentality keeps popping up. The "I'm not good enough" feelings. I know we have all experienced them at least once in our lifetime! :)
I love your new icon! It is AWESOME! YOU GO GIRL!!!
Remember that as mean as they are, school kids have no real responsibility in this life.
One day that teenager will have to deal with the frustration, angst and meanness they are feeling inside.
And, there's a good chance they'll turn to food like many of us did.
Karma will definitely come back around in this case.
In the meantime, flunk him.
Hey - I'm partying at Presby Main on Monday night - would LOVE to see you there!
I'll give you some of my naughty/nice stickers - I've been branding people for 3 weeks. People at the hospital, people at work, the clerk at the gas station that was rude to me.... I just leaned over and stuck a "naughty" sticker right on her lapel.
I have no shame. It's true.
Having 5 teenagers of my own right now, I understand how you feel. But remember, at this point in life, that is the thing that teenagers are best at, " making adults furious
or reducing us to tears
! " Somehow when those teenage year**** something inside clicks and they know just exactly what buttons to push to be the most obnoxious, hurtful, little humans one minute and then be totally likeable the next. Thank God that most of them do Grow UP!
I do agree with everyone else! You look Fabulous! I can not believe that you have lost 114 pounds in 5 months! That is incredible. What a role model for all of us. I am going to have my surgery on Dec 28th and I'm going to look at your pictures all the time to keep me inspired. To help me remember what I can do!
You are awesome! Teenagers are self-centered and think Life is So Hard! Nobody understands them and Nobody Knows How Hard their Life Is. Poor Little Things, if they only knew what life was going to be like in 20 years, they would be having the time of their life right now!
So give yourself a break for getting upset at the students comments and wear something that makes you feel really good about yourself to school Monday and show that student just how Good you LooK!