Surgery Done!
Hi, this is Amie, Myrtis' daughter. My mom is doing great, I am sitting here with her watching casper on tv. She wanted me to report for her online. The surgery was done mostly lap., but the doctor did have to make a four in*****ision inorder to complete the surgery. It took almost five hours, and then 3 and half hours in recovery. She wanted me to wish all others that had surgery today the best of wishes. God BlessAmie
Amie, thank you so much for letting us know! We've been wondering! Tell her happy re-birthday and welcome to the loosers bench. I'm so glad that the surgery went well, she has a terrific doctor. Tell her to relax and not push herself too hard, she just had major surgery and although she probably will want to start getting back to normal, she needs to relax and take it slow. I look forward to hearing about her "great adventure" go girl!
Love, Nancy