I'm afraid to post in case I jinx myself, but I've not had ANY nausea today. But I've also not had much to eat or drink either. I didn't take any Zofran this morning to see what would happen knowing I could pop one if need be.
Started the day trying to push fluids and worked on a tall glass of iced tea first thing this morning.
Then, I tried a piece of toast with some peanut butter. That sat well in my tummy.
Had some Splenda fruit ****tail with the juice in that a little later that worked.
Kept sipping tea...
and while out this afternoon, I got a country ham/cheese/egg biscuit at Bojangles and took off the bread and ate the innards w/out any nausea!
Sipped on some coffee after that for the first time in a month! I love coffee, but haven't been able to drink it but once or twice since surgery... it was REAL good!
Now I realize I'm lagging on food/protein/fluids, but I'm taking baby steps as I feel like it and so hoping the nausea is tapering off! I did eat one of those same Bojangles biscuits recently (on one of those "good days" when the nausea had subsided for a couple of days) and it sit well in my tummy and didn't make me sick.
For as long as I can remember, any time I've had an upset tummy or nausea, the one thing I have been able to eat w/out problem is country ham, which has perplexed my friends and family. I guess it may be the saltiness in it. So maybe that's why it's sitting well on my tummy now.
I feel SO good tonight with food in my stomach and no nausea. I'm looking forward to getting up early and heading to swim aerobics. I've got my daddy going to physical therapy at the Y (got that started last week) so I'm making his appointments at the same time as my swim groups so he can exercise while I swim and we both benefit from that $3+/gallon gas trips over to Wake Forest from Zebulon. He's not usually very receptive so any sort of exercise (I got it honest) but so far, he's not balking. And even though we are SO alike and butt heads a lot, we're (so far) enjoying spending a little time together twice a week and going out for a healthy breakfast or lunch after we "Y" at the Y!
Keep yer fingers crossed for me that the nausea has left the building!
305/292/213/199 (Start/DOS/CURRENT/1st GOAL)