Oh joy... ANOTHER Endoscopy!
Went to G-Vegas today to see Dr. MacD about this awful nausea problem. I've felt like a human being since Saturday when I stuck on a patch and started taking the dissolvable Zofran, but I know all that is masking something and we need to get to the bottom of it.
He said "this is not normal and you know what it means... another endoscopy! On Wednesday." He emphasized that he's NOT worried or concerned about anything, but said he needs to go in and take a look-see to see if there's any obvious reason. He said it could be a little ulcer that might have formed or that the hole has closed some and needs stretching open... or, he said "I might not see a thing that will tell us what's causing it and just might have to throw up our hands and see if it works itself out" (or something to that effect). Oh PUH-LEAZE!!!!!!!!!! I told him that I'm not feeling full when I do eat and that I just quit eating when I've had enough. When I said that, he said that completely counters what he's thinking about the hole maybe shrinking and needing expanding some!?!? So... I'm NPO after midnight tomorrow night until after my test which isn't until NOON Wednesday! I'm already having dehydration problems, so going w/out a thing for those 13 hours or so ain't gonna help... but that was the only time slot available. Soooooooooooo, back to G-Vegas I go on Wednesday!
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THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Wendy -
I'm sooo sorry that youhave to do this, but I hope that he'll find the problem and be able to address it.
Will you be able to continue the patch until you arrive for your procedure? I hope so.
Please let us know what they find.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Wendy -
At least if you're going to have hickies you need to have fun getting them and they shouldn't burn! LOL
I'm sorry you are having such difficulties. I look forward to hearing that they've diagnosed and are successfully treating the problem.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145