Ho Ho Ho! WAY OT
Thanks! Did you have people looking at them funny because one was a blonde and one was a redhead?? I get strange looks all of the time.. and I promise that they both came from the same parents (regardless of the fact that they do not look alike).
That is a horrible picture of me.. but thanks anyway!!
I did have people question their paternity. Especially my 2 redheads. Then when the blondie came along people would say, Well, who does that little girl belong to? I also had to assure them they all had the same parents.
They certainly are beautiful.
You can make the choice to have joy, to find joy and spread joy.
You can make the choice to have joy, to find joy and spread joy.

What a beautiful picture. You look great. Cute girls, they must be ready for Christmas. I love the Christmas season.

