I'm ready to go
on 11/26/07 10:25 am
Hey everyone,
In about 15 hours I will be a looser, Yeahhhh! and I'm ready to go, just doing all the prep, and meds, oh what a joy that has been, Meds not so bad, phos phus soda BAD!
Believe it or not I'm actually very calm and have been all day, no nervessness or anxiety, hummm! maybe that will come tomorrow
Other than that I'm good to go.
I just wanted thank you all so much for all the support,advice and encourgement that you all have given me in the pre op stages of all of this. I look forward to getting more of your support when I'm "post op"
Thanks again you all are the best!
Hi Donna -
I'm glad to hear that you are so very settled and at peace with your decision. I felt the same way. A little nervous about the surgery itself ... never much of one for pain you know, but otherwise I was so comfortable with my decision.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow.
I look forward to hearing that you have come through and uneventful surgery and are recovering comfortably.
All the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Donna,
I wish you all the best tomorrow. Mostly a successful, complication free surgery and recovery.
I never got nervous. I think it's because I was so ready and couldn't wait for to see the scales move downward! Maybe you won't get anxious either but I'm sure you'll do fine either way.
Take care and let us hear from you as soon as you are up to it.

