Hi! New to the NC Boards!! Question about Tea!

on 11/25/07 5:10 am - Lumberton, NC
Hi Everyone!!  I'm kinda new to the NC Boards! I've been on OH for a while (since before surgery) but I've been mostly on the Main Forum.  I had surgery on 8/28/07 in Fayetteville.  I've noticed a slow down in the weight loss since surgery, but I'm hangin' in there.  I'm hoping it speeds up.  I had wanted to lose 75 pounds by Christmas, but that doesn't look like it's happening.  I've been retaining a lot of water lately, not really sure why.  I've still got a lot to lose, but enough about me.  I really miss my sweet tea since surgery.  Has anyone been able to make tea taste close to sweet tea using splenda or nutrasweet?  I've tried everything.  It either comes out too sweet with an aftertaste or not sweet at all.  Help!!

On My Way!!

on 11/25/07 5:54 am

Welcome Muggle:

Afraid I can't help you with the tea thing, since I don't like tea, but wanted to say welcome and glad to see a fellow Fayettevillian post here. Do you go to the support meetings at Village Surgical? Just curious. By the way, awesome job with the loss. I had surgery in July and you have lost as much as me. Take care. Hope you will continue to post here as well as the main boards. The NC crew is a great one.


on 11/25/07 6:15 am - Gastonia, NC

Welcome to the NC Forum.  If you get an answer about this, please keep us posted.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE sweet tea, and I too can't seem to get it the way I want.  Splenda is the closest thing I've used that tastes decent. 



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THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!  

on 11/25/07 6:15 am - Currie, NC
Welcome, Miss Muggle! That is some AWESOME weight loss since the end of August!  Don't go knocking yourself down!  I am here in Pender County about 30 miles NW of Wilmington, so we are not too far apart either!  Glad to make new "local" friends! I would say stick with the Splenda for sweetening and make sure you are using decaf tea as caffeinated beverages will affect fluid retention and do not count towards your daily water intake requirements.  I have been "sugar free" for so long in my beverages that I don't like the taste of sugar-sweetened drinks.  So I guess it will get better in time!  Have you tried diet Lipton Green Tea?  Full of antioxidants and I like the taste...also only a miniscule amount of caffeine. Hope to hear from you again soon.
on 11/25/07 7:08 am - Windsor, NC
We use Splenda here, but we've always used some form of artificial sweetner so it's what we're accustomed to. I might suggest a different Tea, maybe it's the brand combined with the sweetener that's causing the after taste, at least with splenda anyway. I've always noticed after taste with Sweet-n-low and equal, but never with Splenda. We thought we'd died and gone to heaven when that stuff came out! It's also more natural as it's not an artificial chemical. It's derived from pure sugar itself so that makes me feel better about their product.  Salada Green Tea is the brand of tea we use now. We brew it like regular tea for iced tea and it's delicious. It's a little lighter in color, but it tastes great. Welcome to the NC board by the way, and don't worry about your slow down, my surgery was in July and I've had 2 slow downs that lasted a couple of weeks each and the weight loss picked back up again.  {{Hugs}}
Start: 306
Surgery: 284
Current: 167
Goal Weight: 155
on 11/25/07 7:46 am - Lumberton, NC

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!  Lisa- it's good to see someone from VSA!  I haven't gone to a support meeting since September.  I work nights and it's hard to get to a meeting when I have to be at work by 8pm.  I think I'm going to ask to be late on the support meeting nights.  I mean, it's only once a month.  Everyone else- thanks for the suggestions.  I, too, have noticed that Splenda seems to taste better than the other sweeteners.  I think I'll try the Diet Green Tea or change the type of tea bags I use.  I hadn't even thought of that.  Thanks again for the suggestions and the encouragement!!  It's so easy to get discouraged when you're only looking at where you need to go, and forget to look back at where you came from.  Again, thanks.

On My Way!!

on 11/25/07 10:04 am - Sanford, NC
Hi...welcome to the NC board!  I think you've done great with the weight you've lost so far!  I don't have any other suggestions, but make sure to let us know how the different tea works!  It may just be a matter of time before you're used to the flavor of Splenda.  I would be willing to bet that regular sweet tea wouldn't even taste good after awhile!  Good luck!
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker 


Barbara C.
on 11/25/07 10:14 am - Raleigh, NC

Welcome to the NC forum! We are delighted that you are joining us. Your weight loss if fantastic. I had my surgery June 5th and you've lost more than I have since surgery. Keep up the good work. I know it seems slow sometimes, but it's coming off and that's the best thing.

I look forward to getting to know you.


ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

on 11/25/07 9:39 pm - Zebulon, NC

I'm a BIG tea drinker and swear by Luzianne Decaf bags... I converted from Lipton years ago to these and everybody that drinks my tea converts to Luzianne when they drink my tea and ask what it is, cause it's SOOO good!  It really is amazing how much difference switching brands can make.  Of course, that's my taste buds, but try it if you haven't and let me know what you think.

I use 5 of the big bags per gallon of tea, and 1 1/2 cups Splenda.

305/292/213/199   (Start/DOS/CURRENT/1st GOAL)

on 11/25/07 10:14 pm - Lumberton, NC
Thanks!  I'll stop by Wal-Mart today and see if I can find the Luzianne tea bags or the Diet Decaf Tea.  Everyone here has been so nice.  I'll let you guys know how it goes.  I'll figure this thing out yet.  I just want to be able to drink something besides water, you know.  I've long since tired of the Crystal Light flavor packets.  Have a great day!

On My Way!!

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