Enjoying a quiet Thanksgiving
This is the first year that we have had Thanksgiving at our home in NC. I used to do a huge dinner with all of my family and my husband's family, plus a few friends added in for good measure. When we moved here, we met some friends and have had Thanksgiving with them until this year. I wasn't really sure how it would go with just Ben, Sarah and I.
Well ... I have to say that while it was very quiet, it was also pretty nice. Sarah and I spent the early part of the day slicing, dicing, peeling and chopping. We made a Turkey Breast, homemade sourdough dressing, mashed potatos, baked sweet potatos (w/splenda and orange), and spinach salad. I had a couple of ounces of the turkey breast and a spoon of this and that. I stopped as soon as I was full, so I didn't "suffer" any consequences. I also made a pumpkin mouse ... mmmm, I just love pumpkin. I think we have enough food to feed an army ... I must still think I'm feeding 40 people ... LOL, but at least I didn't think I had to eat it all.
The holiday went well. I didn't feel like I was missing anything and I didn't feel like I blew it either ... I hope all holidays go this well ... when it comes to celebrating with food.
I really miss having friends and family around, but it was nice to not run around like a chicken, cleaning my house like a nut.
I'm hoping that you also had a lovely holiday.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Your thanksgiving celebration sounds perfect Barb!
We had our gathering at my sister's new house this year. It was so nice not to be cramped up in our house as we normally are. She has lots of room to spread out and the weather was awesome so we sat on the porch in the sunshine and breeze a lot. There was lots of great food, and I ate exactly what I needed to and didn't feel like I needed to taste everything like I did every year prior. I had a couple of oz of turkey breast, 1 tsp of collards, and 1 tsp of lima beans and was full. I didn't get stuffed and miserable, however I did still feel that turkey coma! I guess even small portions of turkey will get ya. I was able to steer clear of the sweets as well, but I'm really not wanting those either. I hope that sticks with me for life! I hope everyone else had a good holiday as well!
Start: 306
Surgery: 284
Current: 167

Goal Weight: 155