What things are you most thankful for this Thanksgiving?
{{{Diane}}} What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing this with us.
I am thankful for my family and the support and joy they bring into my life. I am thankful especially for my wonderful daughter who brings me that special mother/daughter joy every day of her life.
I am thankful for my faith and Christian beliefs, with out the Lord I would not be here today. I am thankful Dr. Chapman and his faith and Christian beliefs, without the Lord's guidance in his practice again, I would not be here today. I am also very thankful for the wonderful friendships I have made here at OH. Like Diane, I believe that this place is truely a gift. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Start: 306
Surgery: 284
Current: 167

Goal Weight: 155

What a lovely thread...
· I am thankful for the health and welfare of my family, friends, and community.
· I am so very grateful to have had the opportunity to have had this surgery which has been a gift of life-changing and life-affirming experiences.
· I am thankful that my doctor suggested I consider WLS and that I followed that suggestion.
· I’m thankful that my surgeon performed the surgery laparoscopically, even with the complication of the perforated colon.
· I’m glad that I had a smooth and gentle recovery,
· I’m thankful that I’m no longer classified as “diabetic.”
· I’m thankful that I’ve lost more than 90 lbs.
· I’m grateful that my husband of 30 years still thinks I’m HOT … sagging skin & all.
· I am exceptionally grateful to have found OH and the warm, loving support of the folks on the NC board. I truly do not think that I could make this journey without the support and commitment of the friends I have made here.
· I am thankful that my son, Christopher FINALLY asked his beloved Christine to join him in marriage.
· I am thankful that my son, Michael has found a young lady that makes his heart sing.
· I am thankful that my daughter, Sarah has found a surgeon that understands her very rare birth defect and how to correct it. I am also grateful that her surgeon has successfully and skillfully completed two of the many operations necessary to repair her legs.
· I am thankful that God brought Angel into the lives of my dear sister Norma, and her loving family; he has bestowed untold joy and love on that child and her new family.
· I am thankful that my nephew has wed the love of his life and that we were able to witness their union.
· I am thankful that my mother’s renal failure seems to be suspended and is not getting worse.
· I am thankful for my mother-in-law’s and father-in-law’s continued stable health.
· I am thankful that my brothers and sister have one another.
· I am thankful that my husband is well enough to work and has found that job that he likes and where they value him.
There are so very many things to be thankful for.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I'm thankful that I was led to this place, where I am meeting wonderful people who share the same experience I am to keep me from traveling this particular road alone.
I'm thankful for my family loving me and giving me the second chance to make things right with them despite all the things that I have put them through.
I'm VERY thankful for Dr. Mitchell and Brett. They gave me my life back when other doctors just brushed me off to keep their statistics nice and low and free of high risk.
I'm thankful that I still have a roof over my head, a job that I love going to everyday and that was very lenient with me working around the surgery.
I'm thankful that I have a wonderful boss who is very supportive of me and is not afraid to say things like "I'm proud of you".
I'm thankful I have a husband who is patient with me while I'm clearly going through something horrible and hormonal and have bizzare emotional outbursts.
I'm thankful for God sending a guardian angel to watch over me. With the things I have done in my life and the mistake and bad decisions - the only way I could have reached the point I'm at is because of his guidance.

08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
This is a great post!!! Dianne you are such an inspiration to everyone also. Its because of people like you here on OH that keeps everyone coming back. This is truly a blessed place. Everyone is so wonderful and kind. It gives us pre-ops strength. So Thank you for posting this.
I am thankful for this board. Without your support I would not be as confident going into surgery Wednesday as I am. God has given me a great peace about it.
Happy one day after Thanksgiving!
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