Struggling, but winning the war
Suzanne -
Thanks for your constant, generous support. I truly feel that I have made some friendships here that may carry me for a lifetime ... yours is one.
I'll try to touch base later.
Thanks again.
Your friend,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I know this is late but I'm sending hugs your way! I hate that depression monster too, thank God I don't get caught too often. I am very grateful for that!!! Keep thinking positive and fight fight fight! You're doing a wonderful job, keep up the great work!!!
Isn't it funny when people look at pictures or our ID's and don't think it's us?... I have had that happen a few times and it ALWAYS makes me feel good. One time was just priceless so I have to share. I was moving back to NC from San Diego and had just entered Arizona (so had been on the road about 4 hours). Well, I got pulled over - yeah I sure did... yikes! (hey, there's a first time for everything - hehe). Anyway, he asked for my DL, Insurance, Registration and all that. I handed it to him and he said that the DL didn't look like me, I told him it didn't look like me because of WLS and actually had my dayrunner in my front seat (I always have my pre-WLS pictures in it) so I showed him my pics. He just couldn't believe it. He still didn't believe me so he ran my license plate (I don't know why he didn't do it before, but whatever) he asked me where I worked and I told him I was a 911 dispatcher... I got a small lecture, he said congratulations on my WLS, drive carefully, use my cruise control and let me go... lol!! I couldn't believe it. After that I set my cruise control... I was drinking and spilled it all over my shirt... I had a change of clothing in my front seat also (so I wouldn't have to unpack my trunk when I stopped at the hotel) so I decided to change my shirt while driving... but that's a whole other story... lmao!!!
I really hope you're doing better, keep up the great work and have a great Thanksgiving!!!

08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"