
No need to apologize for rambling around here!
It's a shame that this is the "way of the world," but unfortunately, it is in many places. We get discriminated against in many ways, often times in ways we're not even made aware of, but here's what I think about that.
I believe
that "justice" or karma or whatever we might call it will be served one day...
and that mean and hateful "skinny" folks who make fun of us whether out loud or not will spend an eternity in
They will get their justice by being sentenced to an eternity of living as an obese person with daily realities of what like is like as an overweight person! And those of us who they scorned will be on the outside looking in and
in our healthy skinny bodies!
Just remember that before long, those folks will be seeing you and thinking DA-AMMM! He looks grrrrrreat....
It is sad that it is true that folks are prejudiced. As Wendy said, I hope there is a special place for those folks.
I went to my 20th High School Union ... more than a decade ago. Mind you, I've always been anywhere from chubby to obese. At any rate, there were a bunch of the "pretty cheerleaders" that had gained a lot of weight and were now obese ... They spent most of the night apologizing for the way they looked. I spent the night enjoying seeing friends. I had "come to terms" with myself long ago. ...I'd say that they were in "Fat Hell." It will be interesting to go to the next reunion. I'll be slim by then.
At any rate, I'm so sorry that people put their prejudice before your performance. I wonder what it will be like a year from now.
Just keep doing the best you can do ... in your job and taking care of you.
All the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

Congratulations on your wife's date! Dr McDonald was my WLS and I think he's the best doctor in the world of course! I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers!
I understand what you're talking about with the uniform issue. I lived in Oregon for 7 years and worked for a police department there and had to wear a uniform (I wasn't a dispatcher at that time). Anyway, my body and the uniform didn't really go very well together (I felt like a sausage stuffed in the uniform) but I had to wear it so I did the best I could and made sure the uniform was pressed and shoes shined. Needless to say I got comments also. Now I don't have to wear a uniform but if I did I know I wouldn't get those comments. It is sad that we are judged by our cover before the insides are revealed!
Keep us posted on your wife's progress and yours too of course!!!
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"