what would you do???

on 11/6/07 1:20 am

A psychatrist is the one I was talking about that don't listen.........He just tells me I need prozac and I tell him he needs to go to hell...........He don't listen. I am not in there 5 seconds. He tells me it is not his thing............well what the hell is your thing????? It sure is not being a good psychatist...... what a tangled web I have weaved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have..................       ocd       sever major depression       bipolar????? they are still not sure......       anorexia       bulimia if I get called crazy I respond well yes thank you for noticing. sp amy

Jennifer K.
on 11/6/07 2:47 am - Phoenix , AZ

It was my understanding that the psychatrist is just there to manage meds and not listen to problems... when I went my psychologist sent over some information and I briefly ran over what my issues were with the psychiatrist. I would just say to try a new one... I dont think prozac is enough to handle all the issues... I had OCD, depression and anxiety and was on a an anti-depressant (effexor) as well as something to help with the anxiety (kolonpin) my friend has major depression, is bipolar, suffers from rage issues and anorexia/bulimia and takes a few meds... one for the depression/bipolar, a mood stabilizer and she gets horrible nightmares so she also takes something to help her at night. She takes the depression meds once a day and the mood ones 2-3 times a day I believe. She doesnt have health insurance and goes and gets free psych care and cheap medications here in Charlotte off billingsley rd... she says she receives excellent care so you may want to check that out if its not too far for you... she has been seeing a psych there for the past 3 years and has really gotten a lot better than she was - the biggest thing was getting her meds figured out!

First visit to surgeon - 288 ~ bmi 45.1
2 week pre-op 252 ~ bmi 39.5
Total lost - 153 Since surgery - 117!
Goal weight - 155 (mine) 180 (surgeons)
Current weight - 135 (2020 I lost 10lbs due to dedicating myself to working out more and being in better shape)

1/14/2025 still maintaining 135 :-)

Extended TT, lipo, fat injections - 11/2011

BA/BL/Arm Lift - 7/2014

Scar revision on arms - 3/2015

HALO laser on arms/neck 9/2016

Thigh Lift 10/2020

Thigh Lift revision 10/2021

on 11/6/07 2:51 am - Richlands, NC
I would tell your doc you do not want to take the meds anymore and ask if he can switch you to something new so you can see if that will help you. I hope everything works out for you sweetie and best of luck!!!


on 11/6/07 4:30 am - Winterville, NC
Prozac is just for depression, not bipolar disorder.  If they determine you have that, they will put you on something different, at least they should.  I was on prozac and it did very little for me.  I did much better when they switched me to wellbutrin.  They're totally different in the way they function.  Prozac is an SSRI which is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.  They have more side effects than the wellbutrin type of drug which works on your dopamine levels. The bottom line is that your current course of treatment is not working.  Someone told me that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.  You've done this, it's not working, it's time to try something new.  You are an intelligent woman, that comes through in your posts.  You know that you need to be proactive to get the care you need, your current health care providers have made that clear to you.  If the ones you are seeing aren't servicing your needs, and they clearly aren't, then it's time to find some new ones.  You are worth driving to a different town.  It doesn't matter who else cares for you, it's time for you to care for you. Amy, there are many that care about you on this board and elsewhere.  We will continue to pray for you and do what we can to support you.  When you are ready to make the decision, I know that you will astound the lot of us with your strength.  It is in you, I'm sure of that.  Please reach out to a local church body, they can help you too.  If the first one doesn't try a different one until you find where God would have you stay.  He is sufficient for all your needs and He cares for you. Take care of yourself. Ellen

Own it all, it's yours!

425/350/185/150  Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal

Barbara C.
on 11/6/07 6:13 am - Raleigh, NC

Amy -

It's time to find new mental health care! Do not be afraid of what other people think. You need to get help for you. If you had a problem with your heart, you would go see a cardiologist; and if he wasn't taking care of the problem you'd fire him and go get another. Your mental health is just as serious an issue.

I have to second just about everything that Jennifer and Ellen have said. I too, suffer from severe clinical depression and anxiety. I have taken almost everything out on the market and a few test drugs as well. When one med doesn't work, they try another. It's all an educated guess. You need to be seeing a psychiatrist that is willing to work with you. You also need counseling to help you through the mire of issues you currently face. It is true that depression can and often does manifest itself in physical symptoms.

I hope that you go to see a new Dr and get some new meds. Contact your insurance and let them know that this is an emergency. The fact that you are thinking about hurting yourself now or in the future, makes this an emergency. Your insurance should be able to help you find another provider. If for any reason, you can't get another provider through your insurance, call your local ER and ask for help.

You are worth the work. You can do this and I know you want to because of your posts.

Keep reaching out. It will get better.


ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

on 11/6/07 8:17 am - Charlotte, NC

Girl - You need a break!  If you think you need to go to the hospital Do It!  You are the move valuable to yourself.  Kids are ungreatful - I know I was and my mom always told us that.  I didn't see the big picture until I grew up and became and adult, so you might be expecting too much from your kids.


As for the rich women, blah.  They have nthing else to do but shop.  You are not poor, there are always people who have it worse then you.  I lack $$ but i don't consider myself poor.  Also, yoru job probably has disability benefits and you can use them if you need a rest and get your mind right.  Just do it and forget about the others.  I honestly can say, if you ran those people over right now, you'd get off, because your not well.  Take care of yourself first.  Get tested,, scream,w hat ever yyou need to do. As for your writing a letter to god - i'm not a spiritual person so I would find this off task.  I never succumbed to the southern religion that is crammed down your throats in charlotte.  By the way, I think I worked with those same devils, I mean angels.  Good Luck and keep us posted.

Nancy W.
on 11/6/07 11:25 am - Jacksonville, NC
Amy,  First off I'd agree with most all of the above.  Please ask to be switched to a different med.  When I was on Prozac I thought it did nothing.  I have tried almost everything out there and am now on Effexor, which I seem to tolerate well and helps with my OCD.  For my anxiety it helps also but I have a beta blocker in my BP med to help with that too.  Anyway,,,,,,,,,you need to do somethng with that medicine!  I'd sit down and calmly ask them to switch it and not fly off the handle when they try to talk around it.  I know it's hard not having a car, been there, done that. Maybe if you DO find somewhere to go that's not far away you can ask a friend for a ride.   If you're thinking about the abuse now, check out the hotlines in the phone book.......sometimes it's helpful to talk to someone "live" who can relate to your situation (or at least some of it).  I think it would be in the front page, if not, DSS or the Hospital should have a number, or a womens shelter????  It's worth a try, and you might get other leads for other things that are going on in your life.  As for kids, that's what they are- kids.  They love you and would be devestated if something happened to you, no matter what they say, you're all they have and you can't give in and let them down.  AND>>>>>>>>>as for shopping and people talking about money, etc., let it go in one ear and out the next, nothing's as bad as a bragger other than the one-up- you game.  You getting well is a bigger gift than they'd ever think of buying,,,,,you are a survivor and it may not seem like it now, but things will get better.  Just keep the faith.......What about the boyfriend who bought you the computer?  Surely he can give you a ride to a different doctor........by the way, thought I'd tell you that you looked like my sis in law that used to live in Ablemarle, her name is Kim.  Anyone ever tell you that?  Hang in there girl......take the bags off, clean out all the old stuff in your house and have a yard sale, go for a walk everyday,,,,,,focus on you!  nancy

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