I'm worried about Darcie!
Im here!!!! after reading Ellens post about my pouch possibley now more healed and acting like it should be I went back to the basics as far as foods. I feel a lot better and I think it was because I ate to fast, and ate to big of bites. I have to accept that just because I ate something one time that its not always going to sit with the poucharo LOL I have not dumped in two days. I called my docs office and the nurse asked me a bunch of questions and YES I have been taking too big of bites and I need to slow down on eating. Eating slow is not easy for me, after Marine Corps Boot Camp I have never eaten slow and that is something I have to work on. I am drinking a frozen sugar free Frapachino and the temp did not bother me, I took baby sips of water and orangeade and that is now not bothering me.. I need to SLOW DOWN and realize I cannot guzzle and chow down like I used too. I think the pouch is finally showing me how it is suppose to work. When I first had the surgery it would not feel full and it hardly dumped. Now I think its finally doing its job! On a good note I lost another two pounds so Im almost in Onederland!! Thanks everyone for your concern. If it starts acting up and hurting I WILL go see Dr. Mann!!
I hear ya with the eating too fast. I did the exact same thing! I think at the time, I was just so flipping excited to be eating something...ANYTHING...that I was woofing it down like there was no tomorrow. What makes that even funnier is that it was 1/4 c of food I was trying to inhale. LOL! I remember the first day I was able to have soft foods...I had some meat ravioli and the first bite was SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD that I barely chewed up my next few bites. A few seconds later I was throwing it up. Man, it sure did taste good for those few seconds though. 
Wait until you are a little further out and are a pro at eating slow...you will watch your husband eat and wonder what the HECK he's eating so fast for! LOL I can even hear my husband chew!! It drives me crazy...I have to sit far away from him when he's eating. haha
The other thing that I was able to do in the first few weeks was drink a sip or two of my drink with whatever I was eating...now that my pouch has healed, I can't do THAT anymore! I did it once and threw up! It really sucked.
I'm so glad you're feeling better! WTG with 2 more pounds!
--where did you find the sugar free Fraps???? That sounds yummy!

Wait until you are a little further out and are a pro at eating slow...you will watch your husband eat and wonder what the HECK he's eating so fast for! LOL I can even hear my husband chew!! It drives me crazy...I have to sit far away from him when he's eating. haha
The other thing that I was able to do in the first few weeks was drink a sip or two of my drink with whatever I was eating...now that my pouch has healed, I can't do THAT anymore! I did it once and threw up! It really sucked.
I'm so glad you're feeling better! WTG with 2 more pounds!
--where did you find the sugar free Fraps???? That sounds yummy!
~getting healthy isn't a competition~ =)
starting weight: 267 lbs (highest weight: 270+)
current weight: 139 lbs
total weight loss since surgery: 128 lbs
I LOVE Raviolis.. I went out and bought the mini Raviolis and even though I chewed them into mush the pouch HATES them so I cant eat them anymore. I do watch hubby eat.. he woofs it down like I used to be able too..I also see other things like when we go out to eat ( I can hardly have anything so I do a lot of watching) people eat enough for four people.. just like I used to do. I get sugar free Frapachinos at Starbucks... OMG its the one thing I can have that makes me feel full and also tastes like a treat! Just ask for no whip cream or drizzle. They have about six different sugar free syrups they use, Caramel is my fav!!!
I LOVE Raviolis.. I went out and bought the mini Raviolis and even though I chewed them into mush the pouch HATES them so I cant eat them anymore. I do watch hubby eat.. he woofs it down like I used to be able too..I also see other things like when we go out to eat ( I can hardly have anything so I do a lot of watching) people eat enough for four people.. just like I used to do. I get sugar free Frapachinos at Starbucks... OMG its the one thing I can have that makes me feel full and also tastes like a treat! Just ask for no whip cream or drizzle. They have about six different sugar free syrups they use, Caramel is my fav!!!