done swoll up!
Hey Robin...I'm sorry you are ouching today....on a Gorgeous Saturday to boot. Not good my friend. I'm sorry. I was thinking about the salt thing too. I would maybe cut back today and tomorrow and just for kicks see if that does any difference.... if not... immediately call your doctor Monday morning. your doctor anyway now, today if you feel like you need to. You are the best judge of your own body. Maybe even get outside and this sunshine will take your mind off of it... (i'm trying..I'm trying... ) Good Luck - Keep us posted Connie - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Hiya Connie! It is beautiful out! DH and I went on an adventure, jsut driving around - went west and south some and really enjoyed the colors near King's Mountain, Clover and York. As I mentioned to Diane, I don't do salt, but I'm hoping the calcium does it. I know that's something we can be low on post op. I'll see Dr. Larsen (my pcp) on Friday for six month blood levels, so at the worst I'll discuss with him.
I'll post as soon as I know more.