I would look at Dr. Chapman or Dr. MacDonald in Greenville. They are two of the best in North Carolina. As someone said, they developed the surgery in Greenville, it's actually called the Greenville bypass. In any event, both of them were trained by Dr. Pories, who is one of the originators. Dr. Chapman is the head of his department at Brody School of Medicine with ECU. Dr. MacDonald was the head before he went into private practice at Southern Surgical. You would be in excellent hands with either of them. Naziri, Mann, and Pender are also good options, but you asked who the best was....
In regards to the filter. I don't actually agree with Diane on them. If you are over 55-60 BMI, then you need to consider them. However, if you are under that, they aren't necessarily something you must have. If you get up and walk when they tell you to, and keep walking, you will be okay. The whole concept is to prevent blood clots. The less mobile you are, the more you need to check the filters out. I was borderline at 59 and I refused them, because I knew I was mobile enough to walk. This is by no means a dig at Diane(You know I love you Diane), or anyone that had the filters inserted. Just like anything else, do research and know what they are before you allow anyone to put them into your vena cava. I agree, they have saved many lives and do have their place in certain situations, just wanted to offer my two cents on that, since it was a decision I faced.
Good luck with your search. Feel free to email me if you have any questions about the surgery, PCMH, or Dr. Chapman.
Take care.
Own it all, it's yours!
425/350/185/150 Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal