Look what the cat drug in....ME
Hello NC! I am really sorry that I haven't been here. It blows my mind how stuff happens and then it snowballs from there. Not WLS related at all mind you. But...stuff I had to take care of. So this is OT....
I have no children, so my pets are my kids. My basset hound got really sick...I'm talking 2 days in emergency vet with IVs and meds (cha ching!!). But...he is our boy. Out of the blue...almost died from a urinary infection. Playing one day...out the next week.
As if that wasn't enough. I get a phone call at work late one night..."Connie, how is your dad?"... HUH?? umm he is ok I guess... The person asking made this more interesting because that would never be a question they call me at work for. "Rumor has it he is in the hospital in TN"...
Now... what would ones mind immediately do.??? Especially and obviously since you did not know this information.... FREAK OUT! Come to find out he had been in there for 2 days!!! oh...I'm just his only child...and living closest relative. :::hand on hips:: MEN! He is home now and doing ok and no it wasn't life threating. BUT!....
ohhh...but lets go further on this journey shall we??.... I'm still looking for a job because of being displaced as of Nov. 30. Found a great fit, interview went wonderful, was going in for second round...got call...suddenly the job is being reworked. They will not have the position open. WTH?
All I have got to say now is....TGIF and I hope ya'll forgive me for being Ingognito for a week.....
WOW.... Now I gotta go catch up and read everyone's posts... So I'm just saying hello. Making sure you don't forget about me. Letting you know I'm still around. And the best part.... I'm on bigtime COUNTDOWN.... November 28 is surgery! woo hooo.
I'll post when I can... Have a wonderful and Blessed weekend.
www.youravon.com/cmccaughey - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Connie!
So good to hear from you again! You have been missed!
I bred, trained, and exhibited basset hounds for over 30 years. I know how endearing they can be. I have the last one of my bloodlines living out the rest of her life with me. She will likely be my last as I don't think I cold stand the heartbreak of losing another after her. There will likely always be dogs in my life, just couldn't do aother basset after Miss Annie passes...Glad to hear your boy is on the mend. Was he blocked?
Also happy to hear your dad is ok. Parents are so self-centered sometimes. They SAY they don't want to disturb us with news like he had, but they don't realize what shutting us out does to us. And they just donl't think the whole thing throgh. I am glad he is ok.
WHo knows? Maybe the new improved job they create will be even more suited to you and will PAY more! LOL We can dream, can't we?
All the best to you, Keep us posted.
Hey there....thanks for your post reply... I love my basset!! He is an old boy... 9yrs old. Sir Wallace. 'Wally". Isn't that a perfect name for a basset. Wally!
we call him the walking speed bump.
He is the one in my pictures. with my 10 year old cat....Butter
All is well today...My dad is doing much better. My hubby just left to go cut his grass. (really to go ride the John Deere around...so he is history for a couple of hours)
I already have different interviews lined up next week with 2 different companies. I can't wait around...I need a jaayy ohhh beee! All will work out fine. I'm not really pushing anything though, because I will have surgery Nov 28 and I hope to have 4-5 weeks of short-term disability. That will bring me to first of the year. Than.... 2008 watch out...here I come.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

www.youravon.com/cmccaughey - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!