Vitamins & Living WITHOUT a Stomach
I need some information on VITAMINS - what is one that isn't huge sized and has all the Vitamin A,D,E,K that we need?? Lactose intolerence now, potty frequently, and NO ENeRgY, Anemic This is my 1st posting in a LONG LONG time. After having multiple revisions to a nissen wrap for acid reflux. Now after all of these operations I now have NO STOMACH at all. I was hospitalized in April, May, June and lastly July of '07. Total Gastrectomy with malabsorbtion from the shorten intestines - when I eat now, it goes straight from my espohagus to my intestines. Then I get to go potty pretty soon thereafter (if ya know what I mean) - I'm also in need of a new surgeon, because mine moved in September. :-( I've still be in such pain from the surgery- I have absolutely NO energy, I'm anemic and don't know which way to go from here.. Its required that I eat every 90 minutes or so just to try to get protein & nutrition. my weight has only changed by 19 pounds because I do eat so often, (including carbs) - suggestions are welcome here... Looks like I'd be a pro at this by now, but I'm needing
