A big choice
Go for it, Annie! Your mom is right, a stylist is very important! Take it from another natural curl girl, a good cut can make or break your look. To top it off, you need someone that knows how to work with curly hair! Tell the stylist how you feel, and ask her what she recommends. Good luck at your appointment, can't wait to see your new look!
Annie -
I also say Go For It. I have a suggestion...this weekend while you are out...grab you one of those hairstyle magazines that you can get at Walgreens, CVS, any bookstore or whereveer sells magazines. They have several different kinds. From ones that are only for short hair to ones that look like celebrity cuts. Buy one or two of them if you can and find a cut you like. If you have a good stylist, they will be able to come pretty close by looking at the picture. My stylist likes this to happen with me, because I go in all the time and say...."umm I don'tknow what I want...but I want it different". If I have several pics picked out she had an idea of what i'm leaning toward.
Good Luck... can't wait to see the new do!

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THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry it's taking me so long to reply to things this weekend! :) It's been a busy one. Actually, I drive down to Fayetteville. Melody, the owner of The Clip Joint is my stylist. She has curly hair too, so she understands the trials and joys of it all. :) Sometimes it's just a matter of trying people out before you find the one you like. I think she was the 3rd person I tried after moving here.