Which high weight do you use?
Thank you for the welcome! I'm not here a lot, but I am in the RNY forum quite often. I actually go to school at NC State, so I'm a bit familiar with Raleigh (and miss it bunches.... I took this semester off from school to focus on surgery).
I like your idea, to simply use the weight that has the most meaning to it. I have a feeling I'll have a signature line similar to yours - with all the different weights. I will note the high weight, but I'll probably start my ticker at what I was yesterday at the doc - 330. (Yikes!)
Highest ('06): 375 Pre-Surgery: 322 Current (11/5): 215 Goal: 150?
i'm a blogger!

i'm a blogger!

I think you girls are right. I put ALL of them down-- I mean I lost it, right? My husband and I joined WW about a year ago (when I was near my highest weight-- highest documented was 373 and I weighed 368 at WW first weigh-in). I lost 30 pounds on WW, then gained back 20 after stopping WW to around 345-350. I lost the remainder of that down to 334 for the Oct 1 surgeon appointment so I listed that as my pre-op weight. That is what I'm counting "from surgery" but think I'm going to start saying "total loss", because it has been LOST, right?
This can be confusing, but I think the ultimate thing is it is weight we have all lost and we are proud of. Thanks for posting this Barb!!!
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!